
ボキャブラリー レッスン99


1. such as

used to give examples or instances that are similar to what is being mentioned

◼ Example: There are many outdoor activities you can enjoy, such as hiking, swimming, and cycling.

2. knowledge noun [nol-ij]

information, skills, and understanding acquired through learning or experience

◼ Example: Reading books is a great way to expand your knowledge.

3. technology noun [tek-nol-uh-jee]

the application of scientific knowledge and tools for practical purposes

◼ Example: The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the way we communicate.

4. rather adverb [rath-er]

to a certain extent or degree; somewhat; instead

◼ Example: I would rather stay at home and watch a movie than go out tonight.

5. boyfriend noun [boi-frend]

a male romantic partner or a male friend with whom one has a close and romantic relationship

◼ Example: She introduced her boyfriend to her family at the dinner party.

6. dental adjective [den-tl]

related to teeth or dentistry

◼ Example: I have a dental appointment tomorrow for a regular check-up.

7. rescue verb [res-kyoo]

to save or free someone or something from a dangerous, harmful, or difficult situation

◼ Example: The firefighters worked tirelessly to rescue the people trapped in the burning building.

8. in a minute phrase [in uh min-it]

soon; shortly; in a short amount of time

◼ Example: I'll be ready to leave in a minute. Just give me a moment to grab my coat.

9. grow verb [groh]

to increase in size, to develop, to become larger or older

◼ Example: Plants need sunlight and water to grow.

10. instant adjective [in-stuhnt]

happening or produced immediately; without any delay

◼ Example: Instant noodles are a quick and convenient meal option.


◼ such as

◼ knowledge

◼ technology

◼ rather

◼ boyfriend

◼ dental

◼ rescue

◼ in a minute

◼ grow

◼ instant

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. information, skills, and understanding acquired through learning or experience

____________________2. to increase in size, to develop, to become larger or older

____________________3. happening or produced immediately; without any delay

____________________4. a male romantic partner or a male friend with whom one has a close and romantic relationship

____________________5. used to give examples or instances that are similar to what is being mentioned

____________________6. related to teeth or dentistry

____________________7. soon; shortly; in a short amount of time

____________________8. the application of scientific knowledge and tools for practical purposes

____________________9. to save or free someone or something from a dangerous, harmful, or difficult situation

____________________10. to a certain extent or degree; somewhat; instead


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Can you please wait? I'll be with you _____________.

a. such as

b. knowledge

c. in a minute

d. boyfriend

2) She has a lot of _____________ in the field of computer programming.

a. grow

b. instant

c. dental

d. technology

3) I would _____________ have pizza for dinner than sushi.

a. rescue

b. boyfriend

c. rather

d. tell

4) The boy ____________ taller and stronger as he gets older.

a. rescue

b. boyfriend

c. rather

d. grows

5) The lifeguard's quick response helped to ____________ the struggling swimmer from drowning.

a. such as

b. boyfriend

c. rescue

d. in a minute