
ボキャブラリー レッスン93


1. harm verb [hahrm]

to cause damage or injury to someone or something

◼ Example: Smoking can harm your health.

2. suffer verb [suhf-er]

to experience pain, distress, or hardship

◼ Example: Many people suffer from allergies during the spring season.

3. ID noun [ahy-dee]

short for identification, an official document that proves a person's identity

◼ Example: You need to show your ID to enter the restricted area.

4. look forward to doing phrase [look fawr-werd too doo-ing]

to be excited or eager about something that is going to happen

◼ Example: I look forward to meeting my friends at the party tonight.

5. bonus noun [boh-nuhs]

an additional amount of money or reward given as an extra

◼ Example: The employees received a bonus for their hard work.

6. edge noun [ej]

the outer or furthest point of something, the border or boundary

◼ Example: Be careful not to fall off the edge of the cliff.

7. vote noun [voht]

a formal expression of preference or choice in a matter of public concern

◼ Example: Citizens have the right to cast their vote in elections.

8. the way phrase [thuh wey]

the manner or method in which something is done or happens

◼ Example: She always does things her own way.

9. stay away from phrase [stey uh-wey from]

to avoid or keep a distance from someone or something

◼ Example: It's better to stay away from negative influences.

10. major adjective [mey-jer]

of great importance or significance, significant or considerable

◼ Example: She made a major decision to change her career path.


◼ harm

◼ suffer

◼ ID

◼ look forward to doing

◼ bonus

◼ edge

◼ vote

◼ the way

◼ stay away from

◼ major

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to be excited or eager about something that is going to happen

____________________2. the outer or furthest point of something, the border or boundary

____________________3. a formal expression of preference or choice in a matter of public concern

____________________4. to cause damage or injury to someone or something

____________________5. an additional amount of money or reward given as an extra

____________________6. to experience pain, distress, or hardship

____________________7. short for identification, an official document that proves a person's identity

____________________8. of great importance or significance, significant or considerable

____________________9. to avoid or keep a distance from someone or something

____________________10. the manner or method in which something is done or happens


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Be careful with that knife. You might _____________ yourself.

a. harm

b. suffer

c. ID

d. bonus

2) I _________________ receiving my test results. I hope I did well.

a. look forward to

b. edge

c. vote

d. the way

3) Don't forget to bring your _____________ with you. You'll need it to enter the club.

a. harm

b. ID

c. stay away from

d. major

4) The company announced a special ______________ for its employees as a reward for meeting the sales target.

a. suffer

b. vote

c. bonus

d. edge

5) Please _______________ your opinion on this matter. We need to make a decision.

a. suffer

b. vote

c. look forward to doing

d. the way