
ボキャブラリー レッスン91


1. commercial noun [kuh-mur-shuhl]

related to or connected with the buying and selling of goods and services

◼ Example: I saw a funny commercial on TV last night.

2. helpful adjective [help-fuhl]

giving aid or assistance; useful

◼ Example: Can you pick me up from the airport tomorrow?

3. graduate from verb [graj-oo-eyt fruhm]

to complete a course of study and receive a diploma or degree

◼ Example: She will graduate from college next month.

4. Why don't you do? phrase [hwahy dohnt yoo doh]

a suggestion or invitation to do something

◼ Example: It's a beautiful day. Why don't you go for a walk?

5. female noun [fee-meyl]

a person of the sex that can give birth or produce eggs

◼ Example: There were both male and female participants in the competition.

6. consider verb [kuhn-si-der]

to think about or regard something in a specific way

◼ Example: We need to consider all the options before making a decision.

7. skip verb [skip]

to pass over or omit something, to not do or attend

◼ Example: I usually skip breakfast when I'm in a rush.

8. straight adjective [streyt]

having no bends, curves, or angles; not crooked

◼ Example: The road ahead is straight for miles.

9. sheet noun [sheet]

a large, flat piece of material used for various purposes

◼ Example: Please spread the sheet on the bed before lying down.

10. national adjective [nash-uh-nl]

related to or belonging to a particular nation or country

◼ Example: The national flag represents the pride and identity of a nation.


◼ commercial

◼ helpful

◼ graduate from

◼ Why don't you do?

◼ female

◼ consider

◼ skip

◼ straight

◼ sheet

◼ national

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to think about or regard something in a specific way

____________________2. a person of the sex that can give birth or produce eggs

____________________3. to pass over or omit something, to not do or attend

____________________4. a suggestion or invitation to do something

____________________5. related to or connected with the buying and selling of goods and services

____________________6. to complete a course of study and receive a diploma or degree

____________________7. having no bends, curves, or angles; not crooked

____________________8. a large, flat piece of material used for various purposes

____________________9. related to or belonging to a particular nation or country

____________________10. giving aid or assistance; useful


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Her advice was very ________________in solving the problem.

a. commercial

b. helpful

c. graduate from

d. female

2) ________________ attending the meeting? It could be a great opportunity for you.

a. Why don't you do?

b. Skip

c. Consider

d. Straight

3) She will ________________ high school next year and plans to study medicine in college.

a. skip

b. finish

c. graduate from

d. find

4) I usually ________________ breakfast when I'm running late.

a. graduate from

b. skip

c. consider

d. travel

5) "Go ______________ on this road and turn left at the next intersection," the driver instructed.

a. female

b. straight

c. invite

d. tell