
ボキャブラリー レッスン85


1. discuss verb [dih-skuhs]

to talk about something with others, to have a conversation or exchange ideas

◼ Example: We need to discuss the upcoming project during the meeting tomorrow.

2. regular adjective [reg-yuh-ler]

happening or occurring at fixed intervals, consistent or habitual

◼ Example: She goes to the gym on a regular basis to maintain her fitness.

3. do A good phrase [doo A good]

to perform a task or action well, to excel or succeed in doing something

◼ Example: If you study hard, you will do a good job on the exam.

4. be out of order idiom [bee out uhv awr-der]

to not be functioning properly, to be broken or not working correctly

◼ Example: The elevator in the building is out of order, so we have to use the stairs.

5. coupon noun [koo-pon]

a voucher or ticket that entitles the holder to a discount or special offer

◼ Example: I have a coupon for 50% off at the restaurant, so we can save money on our meal.

6. decrease verb [dih-krees]

to become smaller in size, quantity, or intensity

◼ Example: The temperature will decrease throughout the night, so make sure to dress warmly.

7. goal noun [gohl]

an aim or objective that one works towards, a desired outcome or achievement

◼ Example: His goal is to become a professional musician and perform on stage.

8. path noun [path]

a route or track along which someone or something moves or progresses

◼ Example: We walked along the scenic path through the forest, enjoying the nature around us.

9. babysit verb [bey-bee-sit]

to take care of someone else's child or children temporarily

◼ Example: I often babysit my neighbor's kids when they need some time alone.

10. science fiction noun [sahy-uhns fik-shuhn]

a genre of literature, films, or television that involves imaginative and futuristic concepts

◼ Example: She loves reading science fiction novels and watching movies set in space.


◼ discuss

◼ regular

◼ do A good

◼ be out of order

◼ coupon

◼ decrease

◼ goal

◼ path

◼ babysit

◼ science fiction

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to take care of someone else's child or children temporarily

____________________2. happening or occurring at fixed intervals, consistent or habitual

____________________3. to become smaller in size, quantity, or intensity

____________________4. to talk about something with others, to have a conversation or exchange ideas

____________________5. an aim or objective that one works towards, a desired outcome or achievement

____________________6. to not be functioning properly, to be broken or not working correctly

____________________7. to perform a task or action well, to excel or succeed in doing something

____________________8. a route or track along which someone or something moves or progresses

____________________9. a voucher or ticket that entitles the holder to a discount or special offer

____________________10. a genre of literature, films, or television that involves imaginative and futuristic concepts


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Let's _____________ the details of the project during the team meeting tomorrow.

a. discuss

b. regular

c. do A good

d. be out of order

2) I have a ______________ for a free coffee at the café. I'll use it tomorrow.

a. coupon

b. decrease

c. goal

d. path

3) Jane visits the library on a ______________ basis to borrow books.

a. babysit

b. science fiction

c. regular

d. discuss

4) The vending machine is ______________. It won't dispense any drinks.

a. finish

b. find

c. out of order

d. grow

5) Her ______________ is to run a marathon within a year.

a. enjoy

b. goal

c. travel

d. advise