
ボキャブラリー レッスン84


1. officer noun [aw-fuh-ser]

a person in a position of authority in a government organization or a company

◼ Example: The police officer helped direct traffic during the parade.

2. Is it okay (all right) if? phrase [iz it oh-KAY]

used to ask for permission or to confirm if something is acceptable

◼ Example: Is it okay if I borrow your pen for a moment?

3. originally adverb [uh-rij-uh-nl-ee]

in the beginning, at first, in the original state or form

◼ Example: The building was originally a school but now serves as a museum.

4. insist verb [in-sist]

to state or demand firmly, to assert forcefully

◼ Example: He insisted on paying for dinner even though we offered to split the bill.

5. convenient adjective [kuhn-veen-yuhnt]

suitable or favorable for a particular purpose, easy to use or access

◼ Example: The hotel's location is convenient for travelers because it's close to the train station.

6. stay in bed phrase [stay in bed]

to remain in one's bed instead of getting up

◼ Example: When I'm not feeling well, I prefer to stay in bed and rest.

7. file noun [fahyl]

a folder or collection of documents or records kept together for reference or storage

◼ Example: Please organize the files in alphabetical order for easy retrieval.

8. Have a good (nice) day phrase [hav uh good day]

a common expression used to wish someone a pleasant day

◼ Example: Before leaving, she said, "Have a good day!" with a smile.

9. ahead of phrase [uh-HED uv]

in front of or in advance of someone or something

◼ Example: The runner crossed the finish line ahead of all the other participants.

10. amazing adjective [uh-mey-zing]

causing wonder, astonishment, or admiration; incredible

◼ Example: The view from the mountaintop was amazing, with breathtaking scenery.


◼ officer

◼ Is it okay (all right) if?

◼ originally

◼ insist

◼ convenient

◼ stay in bed

◼ file

◼ have a good (nice) day

◼ ahead of

◼ amazing

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a person in a position of authority in a government organization or a company

____________________2. in the beginning, at first, in the original state or form

____________________3. to state or demand firmly, to assert forcefully

____________________4. suitable or favorable for a particular purpose, easy to use or access

____________________5. to remain in one's bed instead of getting up

____________________6. a folder or collection of documents or records kept together for reference or storage

____________________7. in front of or in advance of someone or something

____________________8. causing wonder, astonishment, or admiration; incredible

____________________9. used to ask for permission or to confirm if something is acceptable

____________________10. a common expression used to wish someone a pleasant day


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Due to her illness, she had to ______________ for the entire day.

a. have a good day

b. convenient

c. insist

d. stay in bed

2) I need to find that important document; it's somewhere in this ______________.

a. originally

b. ahead of

c. file

d. amazing

3) She was way ________________ the competition in the race.

a. amazing

b. ahead of

c. insist

d. officer

4) It's ________________ to have a grocery store right across the street.

a. originally

b. officer

c. convenient

d. have a good (nice) day

5) She continued to ________________ that she had seen a UFO in the sky.

a. insist

b. amazing

c. ahead of

d. convenient