
ボキャブラリー レッスン8


1. travel verb [trav-uhl]

to go from one place to another, such as a trip or journey

◼ Example: I will travel to Singapore to see the attractions at Universal Studios.

2. expect verb [ik-spekt]

to think or believe of as possible to happen or come

◼ Example: Please expect a call from us after 14 hours.

3. miss verb [mis]

to fail to hit, reach, catch, meet, contact, perceive, understand, or experience

◼ Example: The soccer player missed the penalty kick.

4. prepare verb [pri-pair]

to make or get ready earlier for a specific purpose

◼ Example: The teacher prepares the students for the entrance exam.

5. win verb [win]

to achieve victory or success, to get a prize

◼ Example: Japan’s women's soccer team won the first game of the Olympics.

6. carry verb [kar-ee]

to hold or support while moving, to take from one place to another

◼ Example: The young boy carries his younger sister on the street.

7. build verb [bild]

to form by combining materials or parts; construct

◼ Example: The company will build a new shopping mall in Shibuya.

8. care verb [kair]

to be concerned or interested

◼ Example: A mother cares for her child.

9. cost noun [kost]

an amount paid or required in payment for the thing you buy; a price

◼ Example: The cost of a hamburger at McDonalds is 2 dollars.

10. create verb [kree-eyt]

to cause to exist, to invent

◼ Example: Who created the Earth?


◼ build

◼ create

◼ prepare

◼ miss

◼ care

◼ cost

◼ expect

◼ travel

◼ carry

◼ win

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to fail to hit, reach, catch, meet

____________________2. to form by combining materials or parts; construct.

____________________3. to achieve victory or success, to get a prize

____________________4. to make ready for a specific purpose

____________________5. an amount paid or required in payment for a purchase

____________________6. to go from one place to another

____________________7. to think or believe of as possible to happen or come

____________________8. to cause to exist, to invent

____________________9. to be concerned or interested

____________________10. to hold or support while moving


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) He _____________ to three different countries every year. He will go to China, Singapore and Thailand next year.

a. expects

b. costs

c. prepares

d. travels

2) The government ____________ many housing projects last year.

a. lived

b. built

c. won

d. invented

3) Because my mother is very busy, she ____________ my graduation ceremony. I was very disappointed.

a. missed

b. loved

c. enjoyed

d. attended

4) Most people did not _____________ that the tsunami would come.

a. enjoy

b. build

c. expect

d. cost

5) The doctor said that I should eat lots of healthy food so that my body will be ___________ for the surgery.

a. enjoyed

b. built

c. prepared

d. expected