
ボキャブラリー レッスン77


1. in order to do

to do something with the purpose or intention of achieving a particular result

◼ Example: I wake up early in order to catch the train on time.

2. in particular

specifically; specifically referring to one thing or person

◼ Example: I love all fruits, but I enjoy mangoes in particular.

3. decorate verb [dek-uh-reyt]

to make something more attractive or beautiful by adding ornaments or embellishments

◼ Example: We decorate the house with lights and ornaments during the festive season.

4. a few

a small number of something; not many

◼ Example: I have a few books on my shelf that I haven't read yet.

5. calculator noun [kal-kyuh-ley-ter]

a device used for mathematical calculations, usually with buttons and a digital display

◼ Example: I use a calculator to solve complex math problems.

6. ancient adjective [eyn-shuhnt]

belonging to a period of history that is very long ago; extremely old

◼ Example: The ancient ruins of the Mayan civilization are a popular tourist attraction.

7. dislike verb [dis-ˈlīk]

to have a feeling of not liking or enjoying something or someone

◼ Example: I dislike the taste of mushrooms; they are not to my liking.

8. add A to B phrase [add A to B]

to combine or include A with B, to put A together with B

◼ Example: Add sugar to the mixture and stir well.

9. do the laundry phrase [doo thuh LAWN-dree]

to wash, dry, and fold clothes or other items of clothing

◼ Example: I need to do the laundry today; my clothes are piling up.

10. liquid noun [lik-wid]

a substance that flows and can be poured, like water or juice

◼ Example: The glass was filled with a refreshing cold liquid.


◼ in order to do

◼ in particular

◼ decorate

◼ a few

◼ calculator

◼ ancient

◼ dislike

◼ add A to B

◼ do the laundry

◼ liquid

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to wash, dry, and fold clothes or other items of clothing

____________________2. a small number of something; not many

____________________3. a device used for mathematical calculations, usually with buttons and a digital display

____________________4. specifically; specifically referring to one thing or person

____________________5. to have a feeling of not liking or enjoying something or someone

____________________6. to make something more attractive or beautiful by adding ornaments or embellishments

____________________7. belonging to a period of history that is very long ago; extremely old

____________________8. to combine or include A with B, to put A together with B

____________________9. a substance that flows and can be poured, like water or juice

____________________10. to do something with the purpose or intention of achieving a particular result


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I bought a new washing machine to _______________.

a. dislike

b. add A to B

c. do the laundry

d. decorate

2) I need a _______________ to calculate the total sum.

a. few

b. ancient

c. liquid

d. calculator

3) In _______________, I prefer tea over coffee.

a. decorate

b. a few

c. particular

d. dislike

4) My grandmother likes to _______________ her house with flowers and paintings.

a. decorate

b. do the laundry

c. add A to B

d. in particular

5) Please _______________ the sugar to the recipe to make it sweeter.

a. dislike

b. add

c. do the laundry

d. in order to do

6) The archaeologists discovered ______________ artifacts that provided insights into the past.

a. decorate

b. a few

c. ancient

d. dislike