
ボキャブラリー レッスン76


1. island noun [ahy-luhnd]

a piece of land surrounded by water

◼ Example: We spent our vacation on a beautiful tropical island.

2. diamond noun [dahy-muhnd]

a precious stone, typically clear and colorless, often used in jewelry

◼ Example: She received a diamond ring as an engagement gift.

3. The same to you phrase [thuh seym too yoo]

a response to a greeting or well-wishes, wishing the same for the other person

◼ Example: A: "Happy birthday!" B: "Thank you, the same to you!"

4. opinion noun [uh-pin-yuhn]

a belief or judgment about something, based on personal thoughts or experiences

◼ Example: Everyone has a different opinion about the best movie of the year.

5. in line phrase [in lahyn]

waiting in a queue or following a sequence

◼ Example: Please stand in line and wait for your turn.

6. co-worker noun [koh-wur-ker]

a colleague, someone who works together in the same organization or company

◼ Example: I have a great relationship with my co-workers at the office.

7. activity noun [ak-tiv-i-tee]

a specific action or task, something that is done for a purpose or for enjoyment

◼ Example: The school organized various activities for the students during the field trip.

8. anything else? phrase [en-ee-thing els]

asking if there is something additional or different that someone wants or needs

◼ Example: A: "I'd like a coffee, please." B: "Anything else?"

9. a pair of phrase [uh pair of]

two items that go together or are considered as a unit

◼ Example: She bought a pair of new shoes for the party.

10. orchestra noun [awr-kuhs-truh]

a large group of musicians who play together, typically with different instruments

◼ Example: The orchestra performed a beautiful symphony at the concert.


◼ island

◼ diamond

◼ The same to you

◼ opinion

◼ in line

◼ co-worker

◼ activity

◼ anything else?

◼ a pair of

◼ orchestra

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. waiting in a queue or following a sequence

____________________2. a large group of musicians who play together, typically with different instruments

____________________3. a response to a greeting or well-wishes, wishing the same for the other person

____________________4. a specific action or task, something that is done for a purpose or for enjoyment

____________________5. a piece of land surrounded by water

____________________6. a colleague, someone who works together in the same organization or company

____________________7. a belief or judgment about something, based on personal thoughts or experiences

____________________8. asking if there is something additional or different that someone wants or needs

____________________9. two items that go together or are considered as a unit

____________________10. a precious stone, typically clear and colorless, often used in jewelry


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) "Happy anniversary!" B: "Thank you, _____________!"

a. show

b. the same to you

c. enjoy

d. advise

2) She received a beautiful ______________ necklace for her birthday.

a. by mistake

b. diamond

c. find

d. reject

3) People have different _____________ on this matter. Some think it's a good idea, while others disagree.

a. enjoy

b. show

c. opinion

d. do not want

4) Please wait ______________ for your turn at the ticket counter.

a. stop

b. finish

c. cancel

d. in line

5) I asked my ______________ for help with the project.

a. grew

b. needed

c. co-worker

d. travelled