
ボキャブラリー レッスン70


1. neither conjunction [nee-th er]

used to introduce the second of two options or possibilities, indicating that they are both not true or applicable

◼ Example: Neither of the books interested me; I couldn't find one that caught my attention.

2. feature noun [fee-cher]

a distinctive attribute or characteristic of something, a prominent or noticeable part

◼ Example: The new smartphone has a unique feature that allows you to unlock it using facial recognition.

3. due to phrase [doo too]

because of, as a result of, owing to

◼ Example: The game was canceled due to bad weather conditions.

4. wipe verb [wahyp]

to clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth or paper

◼ Example: She used a towel to wipe the spilled coffee off the table.

5. get together phrasal verb [get tuh-geh-ther]

to meet or assemble with others in a social or informal gathering

◼ Example: Let's get together for a barbecue at the park this weekend.

6. oven noun [uhv-uhn]

a device or appliance used for baking, roasting, or heating food

◼ Example: She preheated the oven to bake a delicious cake.

7. platform noun [plat-fawrm]

a raised level surface or area used as a stage, platform, or base for various purposes

◼ Example: The speaker stood on the platform to deliver a speech to the audience.

8. knee noun [nee]

the joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans, supporting the body in an upright position and allowing movement

◼ Example: She fell and scraped her knee while playing in the park.

9. would like A to do phrase [w oo d lahyk A too doo]

to express a desire or preference for someone (A) to do something

◼ Example: I would like you to finish your homework before going out to play.

10. as ... as possible phrase [az az pos-uh-buhl]

to the greatest extent or degree that is achievable or permissible

◼ Example: Please complete the task as soon as possible.


◼ neither

◼ feature

◼ due to

◼ wipe

◼ get together

◼ oven

◼ platform

◼ knee

◼ would like A to do

◼ as ... as possible

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a raised level surface or area used as a stage, platform, or base for various purposes

____________________2. to meet or assemble with others in a social or informal gathering

____________________3. because of, as a result of, owing to

____________________4. to the greatest extent or degree that is achievable or permissible

____________________5. a distinctive attribute or characteristic of something, a prominent or noticeable part

____________________6. to express a desire or preference for someone (A) to do something

____________________7. used to introduce the second of two options or possibilities, indicating that they are both not true or applicable

____________________8. the joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans, supporting the body in an upright position and allowing movement

____________________9. a device or appliance used for baking, roasting, or heating food

____________________10. to clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth or paper


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1. The cookies were baked to perfection in the _____________ , leaving them golden and delicious.

a. wipe

b. oven

c. platform

d. as ... as possible

2) The latest smartphone model has a unique _____________ that allows you to unlock it with facial recognition.

a. feature

b. due to

c. knee

d. platform

3. ________________ to the heavy rain, the outdoor event had to be canceled.

a. Invite

b. Enjoy

c. Due to

d. Finish

4) She used a cloth to ________________ the spilled juice off the table.

a. would like A to do

b. wipe

c. get together

d. plantform

5) Let's ________________ for a cup of coffee and catch up on each other's lives.

a. neither

b. oven

c. get together

d. as ... as possible