
ボキャブラリー レッスン7


1. join verb [join]

to put or bring together to form a group

◼ Example: Lester joined the football team of his university.

2. lose verb [looz]

to stop having, to have no longer

◼ Example: After Tina’s boss shouted at her, she lost interest in her work.

3. remember verb [ri-mem-ber]

to recall knowledge from memory, think of again, to keep in mind

◼ Example: My best friend remembers my birthday every year.

4. climb verb [klahym]

to move upward, especially by using the hands and feet or the feet

◼ Example: My friends and I will climb the mountain this summer.

5. exchange verb [iks-cheynj]

to give and receive in return

◼ Example: Where can I exchange my dollars to yen?

6. offer verb [aw-fer, of-er]

to present for acceptance or rejection, to present for sale

◼ Example: The hotel receptionist offers the guests some drinks.

7. perform verb [per-fawrm]

to do, to take action, to act

◼ Example: My favorite dance group will perform tomorrow morning on the “Wake up Show.”

8. pick verb [pik]

to select from a group

◼ Example: The best tennis player of our class was picked to join the university tennis team.

9. repair verb [ri-pair]

to restore to good condition after damage or injury; to fix

◼ Example: She repaired my broken watch.

10. interview noun [in-ter-vyoo]

a formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the evaluation of an applicant’s qualification

◼ Example: He is preparing for his job interview tomorrow.


◼ pick

◼ interview

◼ perform

◼ join

◼ repair

◼ lose

◼ remember

◼ climb

◼ offer

◼ exchange

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________________1. to select from a group

__________________2. to present for acceptance or rejection

__________________3. to move oneself upward especially by using the hands and feet

__________________4. to fix

__________________5. a formal meeting and discussion with someone

__________________6. to stop having, to have no longer

__________________7. to do, to take action, to act

__________________8. to put or bring together to form a group

__________________9. to give and receive in return

__________________10. to recall knowledge from memory


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Maria went to the electric shop again to _______________ the broken DVD player that she bought yesterday.

a. market

b. exchange

c. sell

d. remember

2) The company __________ him a new position.

a. remembered

b. offered

c. lose

d. repaired

3) The people of this city need to ______________ the damages done by the typhoon.

a. lose

b. climb

c. exchange

d. repair

4) The old woman ______________ her legs because of a car accident.

a. climbed

b. remembered

c. lost

d. repaired

5) He _______________ the Army two years ago. Since then, we have not seen him.

a. repaired

b. climbed

c. joined

d. offered