
ボキャブラリー レッスン65


1. Is this for here or to go? [Iz this for here or tuh go]

A question asked when ordering food or drinks to determine whether it will be consumed on the premises or taken away.

◼ Example: The server asked, "Is this for here or to go?" as I placed my order at the café.

2. separate verb [sep-uh-reyt]

to divide, to split into parts or pieces

◼ Example: I need to separate the recyclable items from the regular trash.

3. employee noun [em-ploi-ee]

a person who works for someone else or a company in exchange for wages or salary

◼ Example: The company hired several new employees to help with the increased workload.

4. earth noun [urth]

the planet we live on, the third planet from the sun

◼ Example: Earth is known as the "blue planet" because of its abundant water.

5. concentrate verb [kon-suh n-treyt]

to focus one's attention or efforts on a particular task or object

◼ Example: It's important to concentrate during exams to achieve good results.

6. cough verb [kof]

to expel air suddenly from the lungs through the mouth due to irritation or illness

◼ Example: If you have a persistent cough, it's advisable to consult a doctor.

7. rarely adverb [rair-lee]

not often, infrequently, on few occasions

◼ Example: She rarely goes to the cinema; she prefers to watch movies at home.

8. A, B, and so on [A, B and soh on]

used to indicate that a list or series continues in a similar pattern

◼ Example: The store sells various fruits, such as apples, bananas, oranges, and so on.

9. notice noun [noh-tis]

an attention-catching display or written information

◼ Example: Please read the notice on the bulletin board for important updates.

10. different adjective [dif-er-uhnt]

not the same, distinct, not identical

◼ Example: Each person has a different personality and interests.


◼ Is this for here or to go?

◼ separate

◼ employee

◼ earth

◼ concentrate

◼ cough

◼ rarely

◼ A, B, and so on

◼ notice

◼ different

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to divide, to split into parts or pieces

____________________2. a person who works for someone else or a company in exchange for wages or salary

____________________3. the planet we live on, the third planet from the sun

____________________4. to focus one's attention or efforts on a particular task or object

____________________5. to expel air suddenly from the lungs through the mouth due to irritation or illness

____________________6. not often, infrequently, on few occasions

____________________7. used to indicate that a list or series continues in a similar pattern

____________________8. an attention-catching display or written information

____________________9. not the same, distinct, not identical

____________________10. a question asked when ordering food or drinks to determine whether it will be consumed on the premises or taken away


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1. To solve the math problem, you need to ________________ and focus on the given data.

a. earth

b. seperate

c. concentrate

d. notice

2) In this region, it ________________ snows during the winter months.

a. different

b. employee

c. earth

d. rarely

3. Please take ________________ of the sign indicating the construction zone ahead.

a. notice

b. A, B, and so on

c. cough

d. concentrate

4) The chef will ________________ the egg yolks from the whites for the recipe.

a. different

b. separate

c. concentrate

d. earth

5) If you have a persistent ________________ , it's important to consult a doctor.

a. employee

b. cough

c. earth

d. notice