
ボキャブラリー レッスン56


1. ant noun [ant]

a small insect that lives in large groups called colonies and is known for its teamwork and organization

◼ Example: The ant carried a tiny leaf on its back as it marched back to its nest.

2. go over phrasal verb [goh oh-ver]

to review or examine something in detail, to check or go through something carefully

◼ Example: Before submitting the report, make sure to go over it for any spelling mistakes.

3. role noun [rohl]

a part or character played by an actor in a movie, play, or performance

◼ Example: The actor was excited to take on the role of the main protagonist in the upcoming film.

4. skill noun [skil]

a learned ability or expertise in doing something well

◼ Example: He has excellent cooking skills and can prepare delicious meals effortlessly.

5. author noun [aw-ther]

a person who writes books, stories, or articles, the creator of a written work

◼ Example: J.K. Rowling is the author of the popular Harry Potter series.

6. in other words phrase [in uh-th er wurdz]

used to explain or rephrase something in a different way, to clarify or simplify

◼ Example: The project requires you to submit a report, or in other words, a written summary of your findings.

7. elementary adjective [el-uh-men-tuh-ree]

basic or fundamental, pertaining to the first stages or principles of a subject

◼ Example: In the elementary math class, the students learn addition and subtraction.

8. unfortunately verb [uhn-for-chuh-nit-lee]

regrettably, in an unfortunate or unlucky manner

◼ Example: Unfortunately, I missed the bus this morning and had to take a taxi to work.

9. danger noun [deyn-jer]

the possibility of harm, injury, or loss, a hazardous or risky situation

◼ Example: Climbing the steep mountain without proper equipment can be a great danger.

10. sign noun [sahyn]

a visual or physical indication, a gesture, or symbol conveying a message or information

◼ Example: The sign on the door indicated that the shop was closed for renovation.


◼ ant

◼ go over

◼ role

◼ skill

◼ author

◼ in other words

◼ elementary

◼ unfortunately

◼ danger

◼ sign

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a small insect that lives in large groups called colonies and is known for its teamwork and organization

____________________2. a part or character played by an actor in a movie, play, or performance

____________________3. a learned ability or expertise in doing something well

____________________4. regrettably, in an unfortunate or unlucky manner

____________________5. to review or examine something in detail, to check or go through something carefully

____________________6. basic or fundamental, pertaining to the first stages or principles of a subject

____________________7. the possibility of harm, injury, or loss, a hazardous or risky situation

____________________8. a person who writes books, stories, or articles, the creator of a written work

____________________9. a visual or physical indication, a gesture, or symbol conveying a message or information

____________________10. used to explain or rephrase something in a different way, to clarify or simplify


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1. The detective carefully examined the ____________ left at the crime scene to gather clues.

a. ant

b. role

c. danger

d. sign

2) Before submitting your essay, make sure to _______________ it for any grammatical errors.

a. go over

b. skill

c. unfortunately

d. elementary

3. The _______________ of a teacher is to educate and inspire students.

a. author

b. danger

c. role

d. sign

4) Learning a musical instrument requires practice and developing the necessary _______________.

a. skill

b. go over

c. unfortunately

d. elementary

5) _______________, you need to finish the report by tomorrow.

a. In other words

b. Ant

c. Sign

d. Role