
ボキャブラリー レッスン55


1. engineer noun [en-juh-neer]

a person who designs and builds machines, structures, or systems

◼ Example: My uncle is an engineer and he designs bridges.

2. terrible adjective [ter-uh-buhl]

extremely bad or unpleasant

◼ Example: The weather was terrible, it rained all day.

3. disease noun [dih-zeez]

an abnormal condition that affects the body or mind, often causing illness

◼ Example: Many scientists are working to find a cure for cancer, a deadly disease.

4. get in phrasal verb [get in]

to enter or board a vehicle, building, or enclosed space

◼ Example: Please hurry up and get in the car, we're running late.

5. divide verb [dih-vahyd]

to separate into parts or groups

◼ Example: The students were asked to divide themselves into teams for the group project.

6. volume noun [vol-yoom]

the amount of space occupied by an object or substance, or the degree of loudness of a sound

◼ Example: Please turn down the volume of the music, it's too loud.

7. a bunch of idiom [uh buhnch uhv]

a group or collection of things or people

◼ Example: She received a bunch of flowers for her birthday.

8. encourage verb [en-kur-ij]

to give support, confidence, or hope to someone

◼ Example: My parents always encourage me to pursue my dreams.

9. You can't miss it idiom [yoo kant mis it]

used to indicate that something is very noticeable or easy to find

◼ Example: The museum is right in the center of town, you can't miss it.

10. recognize verb [rek-uhg-nahyz]

to identify or acknowledge someone or something as known or familiar

◼ Example: I couldn't recognize him with his new haircut.


◼ engineer

◼ terrible

◼ disease

◼ get in

◼ divide

◼ volume

◼ a bunch of

◼ encourage

◼ You can't miss it

◼ recognize

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. an abnormal condition that affects the body or mind, often causing illness

____________________2. to identify or acknowledge someone or something as known or familiar

____________________3. a person who designs and builds machines, structures, or systems

____________________4. to enter or board a vehicle, building, or enclosed space

____________________5. used to indicate that something is very noticeable or easy to find

____________________6. the amount of space occupied by an object or substance, or the degree of loudness of a sound

____________________7. a group or collection of things or people

____________________8. to give support, confidence, or hope to someone

____________________9. to separate into parts or groups

____________________10. extremely bad or unpleasant


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1. The storm last night was ______________ ; it caused a lot of damage.

a. recognize

b. terrible

c. divide

d. volume

2) The doctor advised me to take precautions because the ______________ is spreading rapidly.

a. invite

b. disease

c. get in

d. terrible

3. I need to ____________ the car before I can start driving.

a. a bunch of

b. encourage

c. get in

d. divide

4) Let's ____________ the tasks among team members to work more efficiently.

a. recognize

b. divide

c. get in

d. encourage

5) The ____________ of the music was too high, it hurt my ears.

a. volume

b. terrible

c. you can't miss it

d. a bunch of