
ボキャブラリー レッスン53


1. coach noun [kohch]

a person who trains and instructs others in sports, academics, or other areas

◼ Example: The basketball coach is teaching the team new strategies for the upcoming game.

2. Please say hello to A [pleez sey he-loh too A]

a phrase used to convey greetings or a message of greeting to someone

◼ Example: Please say hello to Ericka for me when you see her.

3. diet noun [dahy-it]

the food and drinks regularly consumed by a person or animal

◼ Example: I am following a strict diet to lose weight and improve my health.

4. fall verb [fawl]

to drop or descend from a higher to a lower position, often due to gravity

◼ Example: The leaves on the trees start to fall during autumn.

5. active adjective [ak-tiv]

engaged in physical or mental activity; energetic

◼ Example: Regular exercise is important to stay active and maintain good health.

6. herb noun [urb]

a plant or a part of a plant used for flavoring, medicine, or fragrance

◼ Example: I added fresh herbs like basil and thyme to enhance the taste of the pasta sauce.

7. matter noun [mat-er]

a subject or situation under consideration or discussion

◼ Example: It's a serious matter that requires immediate attention.

8. be based on adverb [bee beyst on]

to have as a foundation or starting point

◼ Example: The novel is based on a true story of survival during wartime.

9. refrigerator noun [ri-frij-uh-rey-ter]

an appliance used for keeping food and beverages cold or preserving them

◼ Example: I need to buy some groceries and stock up the refrigerator.

10. presentation noun [prez-uh n-tey-shuhn]

a formal talk or demonstration given to an audience

◼ Example: I will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for tomorrow's business meeting.


◼ coach

◼ Please say hello to A

◼ diet

◼ fall

◼ active

◼ herb

◼ matter

◼ be based on

◼ refrigerator

◼ presentation

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to drop or descend from a higher to a lower position, often due to gravity

____________________2. the food and drinks regularly consumed by a person or animal

____________________3. a person who trains and instructs others in sports, academics, or other areas

____________________4. a phrase used to convey greetings or a message of greeting to someone

____________________5. engaged in physical or mental activity; energetic

____________________6. an appliance used for keeping food and beverages cold or preserving them

____________________7. a subject or situation under consideration or discussion

____________________8. a plant or a part of a plant used for flavoring, medicine, or fragrance

____________________9. a formal talk or demonstration given to an audience

____________________10. to have as a foundation or starting point


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1. Could you _____________ me to improve my tennis skills?

a. coach

b. matter

c. presentation

d. active

2) This dish is seasoned with a blend of aromatic _____________, enhancing its flavor.

a. fall

b. diet

c. matter

d. herb

3. Regular exercise and a balanced ____________ are essential for maintaining good health."

a. fall

b. active

c. coach

d. diet

4) The movie ____________ a true story, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of its characters.

a. presentation

b. herb

c. is based on

d. matter

5) She stored the leftovers in the ____________ to keep them fresh for later.

a. be based on

b. refrigerator

c. matter

d. coach