
ボキャブラリー レッスン47


1. memorize verb [mem-uh-rahyz]

to learn by heart, to commit to memory

◼ Example: I need to memorize all the lines for my theater performance.

2. be over phrase [bee OH-vur]

to come to an end, to finish

◼ Example: The concert will be over in 10 minutes.

3. spend A on B phrasal verb [spend A awn B]

to use or devote a particular amount of time or money on something

◼ Example: She spent a lot of money on buying new clothes.

4. task noun [task]

a piece of work that needs to be done, a duty or assignment

◼ Example: My boss gave me a challenging task to complete by the end of the week.

5. appreciate verb [uh-pree-shee-eyt]

to value or recognize the worth of something, to be grateful for

◼ Example: I appreciate your help with the project.

6. by the end of phrase

before reaching or completing a specific point in time

◼ Example: I need to finish this report by the end of the day.

7. owner noun [oh-ner]

a person who possesses or has legal rights to something

◼ Example: The owner of the company decided to sell it to a larger corporation.

8. Could you tell me where? phrase

a polite way to ask for information about a specific location or direction

◼ Example: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?

9. flour noun [flou-er]

a fine powder made by grinding grains, typically used in baking

◼ Example: I need to buy some flour to make a cake.

10. provide A with B phrase [pruh-VYD A with B]

to supply or furnish something to someone, to give or offer

◼ Example: The company provides its employees with health insurance.


◼ memorize

◼ be over

◼ spend A on B

◼ task

◼ appreciate

◼ by the end of

◼ owner

◼ could you tell me where?

◼ flour

◼ provide A with B

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to use or devote a particular amount of time or money on something

____________________2. to come to an end, to finish

____________________3. to learn by heart, to commit to memory

____________________4. before reaching or completing a specific point in time

____________________5. to value or recognize the worth of something, to be grateful for

____________________6. a piece of work that needs to be done, a duty or assignment

____________________7. a fine powder made by grinding grains, typically used in baking

____________________8. a polite way to ask for information about a specific location or direction

____________________9. a person who possesses or has legal rights to something

____________________10. to supply or furnish something to someone, to give or offer


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1. Can you _____________ me where the nearest supermarket is?

a. appreciate

b. provide

c. tell

d. by the end of

2) The concert ________________ after two hours of non-stop performances.

a. by the end of

b. memoriza

c. is over

d. owner

3. We should ____________ on resources wisely.

a. flour

b. be over

c. spend money

d. task

4) My teacher gave me a challenging ______________ to complete over the weekend.

a. memorize

b. owner

c. appreciate

d. task

5) She needs to buy some ____________ to bake a cake.

a. task

b. be over

c. memorize

d. flour