
ボキャブラリー レッスン42


1. I can't help it phrase [ahy kan-t help it]

to be unable to prevent or avoid a certain action or situation, usually due to circumstances beyond one's control

◼ Example: I ate the whole cake. I couldn't help it, it was just too delicious!

2. succeed in verb [suhk-seed in]

to achieve a desired goal or outcome, to accomplish something

◼ Example: With hard work and dedication, she was able to succeed in her career.

3. guest noun [gest]

a person who is invited to someone's house, an event, or a gathering

◼ Example: We had many guests at our wedding reception.

4. cycle noun [sahy-kuhl]

a series of events that repeat in a particular order, a sequence of recurring actions or processes

◼ Example: The water cycle involves evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

5. go out phrasal verb [goh out]

to leave one's home or current location, usually for social or recreational purposes

◼ Example: Let's go out for dinner tonight and try that new restaurant.

6. ahead adverb [uh-hed]

in front, in a forward position, in advance of something

◼ Example: If you work hard, you will get ahead in your career.

7. section noun [sek-shuhn]

a distinct part or division of something, a segment or portion

◼ Example: Please turn to the next section of the textbook for the exercise.

8. stand for phrasal verb [stand for]

to represent, symbolize, or signify something

◼ Example: The acronym "NASA" stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

9. forest noun [fawr-ist]

a large area of land covered with trees and undergrowth, usually home to various wildlife

◼ Example: We went camping in the forest and enjoyed the tranquility of nature.

10. (all) by oneself phrase [(awl) bahy wuhn-self]

alone, without assistance or company from others

◼ Example: She prefers to do her work all by herself without any distractions.


◼ I can't help it

◼ succeed in

◼ guest

◼ cycle

◼ go out

◼ ahead

◼ section

◼ stand for

◼ forest

◼ (all) by oneself

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. in front, in a forward position, in advance of something

____________________2. to represent, symbolize, or signify something

____________________3. a person who is invited to someone's house, an event, or a gathering

____________________4. a large area of land covered with trees and undergrowth, usually home to various wildlife

____________________5. to leave one's home or current location, usually for social or recreational purposes

____________________6. to be unable to prevent or avoid a certain action or situation, usually due to circumstances beyond one's control

____________________7. a distinct part or division of something, a segment or portion

____________________8. to achieve a desired goal or outcome, to accomplish something

____________________9. a series of events that repeat in a particular order, a sequence of recurring actions or processes

____________________10. alone, without assistance or company from others


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1. I'm so hungry, but there's no food left. I guess I _____________.

a. can't help it

b. succeed in

c. go out

d. stand for

2) The company worked hard and ________________ winning the prestigious award.

a. all by oneself

b. cycle

c. succeeded in

d. section

3. The hosts warmly welcomed their ________________ into their home.

a. guests

b. cycles

c. sections

d. forests

4) Let's ____________ for a walk in the park this evening.

a. stand for

b. succeed in

c. go out

d. ahead

5) If you study hard, you will be ____________ of your classmates.

a. ahead

b. needed

c. advising

d. enjoying