
ボキャブラリー レッスン37


1. make sense idiom [meyk sens]

to be logical or understandable

◼ Example: His explanation didn't make sense to me.

2. put away phrasal verb [poot uh-wey]

to return something to its proper place, to store or save for later use

◼ Example: Please put away your toys after playing.

3. trust noun, verb [truhst]

a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something; to have confidence in

◼ Example: Trust is the foundation of any relationship.

4. from now on phrase [from nou on]

beginning at the present time and continuing into the future

◼ Example: From now on, I will start exercising regularly.

5. teenager noun [teen-ey-jer]

a person aged between 13 and 19 years old

◼ Example: My sister is a teenager and loves listening to music.

6. publish verb [puhb-lish]

to make information or a work available to the public, such as in a book, newspaper, or online

◼ Example: The author plans to publish a new novel next year.

7. press noun, verb [pres]

the media industry, including newspapers, magazines, and journalists; to apply pressure or squeeze

◼ Example: The press reported on the latest political scandal.

8. for instance idiom [for in-stuhns]

as an example, as a particular case

◼ Example: Some people enjoy outdoor activities, for instance, hiking or camping.

9. make (give) a speech idiom [meyk (giv) uh speech]

an act of assistance or help provided to others, often in exchange for payment

◼ Example: The customer service representative was very helpful and resolved my issue.

10. smoker noun [smoh-ker]

a person who regularly smokes cigarettes or tobacco

◼ Example: Smoking is harmful to both smokers and non-smokers.


◼ make sense

◼ put away

◼ trust

◼ from now on

◼ teenager

◼ publish

◼ press

◼ make (give) a speech

◼ smoker

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to return something to its proper place, to store or save for later use

____________________2. a person aged between 13 and 19 years old

____________________3. to make information or a work available to the public, such as in a book, newspaper, or online

____________________4. a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something; to have confidence in

____________________5. as an example, as a particular case

____________________6. to apply pressure or squeeze

____________________7. beginning at the present time and continuing into the future

____________________8. a person who regularly smokes cigarettes or tobacco

____________________9. to deliver a formal talk or address to an audience

____________________10. to be logical or understandable


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The explanation provided by the teacher didn't ________________ to the students.

a. put away

b. teenager

c. make sense

d. make (give) a speech

2) There are many delicious fruits you can enjoy, like apples or oranges, ________________ .

a. for instance

b. smoker

c. publish

d. put away

3) Starting _______________, I will prioritize my health and exercise regularly.

a. trust

b. put away

c. press

d. from now on

4) After finishing the puzzle, she decided to _______________ all the pieces and clean up the table.

a. teenager

b. publish

c. put away

d. make sense

5) The _______________ conference was held to announce the company's latest product.

a. press

b. trust

c. make (give) a speech

d. for instance