
ボキャブラリー レッスン35


1. be capable of doing phrase [bee key-puh-buhl uhv doo-ing]

to have the ability or skill to do something

◼ Example: She is capable of speaking three languages fluently.

2. smart adjective [smart]

having a high level of intelligence, clever or quick-witted

◼ Example: He is a smart student who always gets excellent grades.

3. I have to go now phrase [ahy hav too goh now]

used to express the need or obligation to leave at the present moment

◼ Example: Sorry, but I have to go now. I have an appointment.

4. international adjective [in-ter-nash-uh-nl]

relating to or involving different countries, nations, or cultures

◼ Example: The conference attracted international participants from all over the world.

5. daily adjective [dey-lee]

happening or occurring every day, on a regular basis

◼ Example: I try to establish a daily exercise routine for better health.

6. gain verb [geyn]

to acquire or obtain something, to get something you did not have before

◼ Example: She gained a lot of knowledge from reading books.

7. compete verb [kuhm-peet]

to take part in a contest or competition, to strive to be better than others

◼ Example: The athletes will compete in the upcoming Olympics.

8. set up phrasal verb [set uh p]

to establish or create something, to arrange or organize

◼ Example: They set up a new business venture in the city center.

9. feel sorry for phrase [feel sor-ee fawr]

to have sympathy or pity for someone, to feel compassion or regret for their situation

◼ Example: I feel sorry for her because she lost her job.

10. organize verb [awr-guh-nahyz]

to arrange or put things in order, to plan and coordinate an event or activity

◼ Example: They organized a charity event to raise funds for the homeless.


◼ be capable of doing

◼ smart

◼ I have to go now

◼ international

◼ daily

◼ gain

◼ compete

◼ set up

◼ feel sorry for

◼ organize

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. having a high level of intelligence, clever or quick-witted

____________________2. to take part in a contest or competition, to strive to be better than others

____________________3. to arrange or put things in order, to plan and coordinate an event or activity

____________________4. used to express the need or obligation to leave at the present moment

____________________5. happening or occurring every day, on a regular basis

____________________6. to have the ability or skill to do something

____________________7. to acquire or obtain something, to get something you did not have before

____________________8. relating to or involving different countries, nations, or cultures

____________________9. to establish or create something, to arrange or organize

____________________10. to have sympathy or pity for someone, to feel compassion or regret for their situation


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I'm sorry, but _________________. We can continue our conversation later.

a. international

b. I have to go now

c. smart

d. set up

2) He is a ________________ student. He always gets top grades in every subject.

a. smart

b. organize

c. gain

d. compete

3) The team ________________ in a national competition and won the first prize.

a. daily

b. competed

c. set up

d. gained

4) They decided to ________________ a new branch of their company in a different city.

a. smart

b. set up

c. compete

d. feel sorry for

5) I ________________ him because he lost his job and has been struggling to find a new one.

a. set up

b. feel sorry for

c. learn

d. be capable of doing