
ボキャブラリー レッスン33


1. show off phrasal verb [shoh awf]

to display or exhibit one's abilities, possessions, or qualities in a boastful or ostentatious manner

◼ Example: He always shows off his expensive car to impress others.

2. instance noun [in-stuhns]

an occurrence or example of something

◼ Example: In that instance, he forgot to bring his passport to the airport.

3. issue noun [ish-oo]

a matter or problem that is under discussion or in dispute

◼ Example: The company is addressing the issue of workplace safety.

4. workplace noun [wurk-pleys]

the location where a person works, such as an office, factory, or shop

◼ Example: The new employee felt comfortable in her new workplace.

5. trend noun [trend]

a general direction in which something is developing or changing

◼ Example: Wearing oversized sunglasses is currently a fashion trend.

6. puzzle noun [puhz-uhl]

a game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge

◼ Example: She enjoys solving crossword puzzles in her free time.

7. regret verb [ri-gret]

to feel sorrow or remorse for something one has done or failed to do

◼ Example: He regretted not studying harder for the exam.

8. either determiner [ee-thur; ahy-thur]

one or the other of two people or things

◼ Example: You can choose either the blue shirt or the red one.

9. extremely adverb [ik-stree-mly]

to a great degree, very much, exceedingly

◼ Example: The weather was extremely hot during the summer months.

10. arrest verb [uh-rest]

to take into custody by legal authority, to seize or capture

◼ Example: The police arrested the suspect for theft.


◼ show off

◼ instance

◼ issue

◼ workplace

◼ trend

◼ puzzle

◼ regret

◼ either

◼ extremely

◼ arrest

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to take into custody by legal authority, to seize or capture

____________________2. a game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge

____________________3. to feel sorrow or remorse for something one has done or failed to do

____________________4. a general direction in which something is developing or changing

____________________5. to display or exhibit one's abilities, possessions, or qualities in a boastful or ostentatious manner

____________________6. the location where a person works, such as an office, factory, or shop

____________________7. to a great degree, very much, exceedingly

____________________8. one or the other of two people or things

____________________9. an occurrence or example of something

____________________10. a matter or problem that is under discussion or in dispute


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) She loves to _____________ her new designer clothes whenever she goes out.

a. arrest

b. show off

c. trend

d. regret

2) In that ______________, he made a brilliant presentation and impressed everyone.

a. puzzle

b. instance

c. workplace

d. regret

3) The company is addressing the ______________ of employee dissatisfaction.

a. extremely

b. show off

c. trend

d. issue

4) I ______________ not studying harder for my exams. Now, I have to retake them.

a. arrest

b. regret

c. puzzle

d. trend

5) The fashion industry is always evolving, and new styles and designs come and go in ______________.

a. arrest

b. regret

c. puzzle

d. trend