
ボキャブラリー レッスン31


1. spider noun [spahy-der]

an eight-legged arachnid that spins webs to catch prey

◼ Example: I saw a spider crawling on the wall.

2. Please help yourself to phrase [pleez help yoor-self too]

an expression used to invite someone to take or serve themselves

◼ Example: Please help yourself to some cake.

3. indeed adverb [in-deed]

in truth, in fact, certainly

◼ Example: It was a challenging task, indeed.

4. direct verb [dih-rekt]

to guide or give instructions, to show the way

◼ Example: Can you direct me to the nearest train station?

5. ring noun [ring]

a circular band worn as jewelry on the finger, often made of precious metal

◼ Example: She wore a beautiful diamond ring on her engagement finger.

6. conversation noun [kon-ver-sey-shuhn]

an exchange of thoughts, ideas, or information between people

◼ Example: We had a pleasant conversation over dinner.

7. imagination noun [ih-maj-uh-ney-shuhn]

the ability to create or visualize mental images, ideas, or concepts

◼ Example: Children often have vivid imaginations.

8. emergency noun [ih-mur-juhn-see]

a serious, unexpected, and potentially dangerous situation requiring immediate action

◼ Example: Please call 911 in case of an emergency.

9. succeed verb [suhk-seed]

to accomplish a goal or achieve a desired outcome, to be successful

◼ Example: With hard work and determination, you can succeed in your endeavors.

10. printer noun [prin-ter]

a machine that produces printed text or images on paper

◼ Example: I need to buy a new printer for my home office.


◼ spider

◼ Please help yourself to

◼ indeed

◼ direct

◼ ring

◼ conversation

◼ imagination

◼ emergency

◼ succeed

◼ printer

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. an eight-legged arachnid that spins webs to catch prey

____________________2. a serious, unexpected, and potentially dangerous situation requiring immediate action

____________________3. to guide or give instructions, to show the way

____________________4. the ability to create or visualize mental images, ideas, or concepts

____________________5. an exchange of thoughts, ideas, or information between people

____________________6. a circular band worn as jewelry on the finger, often made of precious metal

____________________7. in truth, in fact, certainly

____________________8. an expression used to invite someone to take or serve themselves

____________________9. a machine that produces printed text or images on paper

____________________10. to accomplish a goal or achieve a desired outcome, to be successful


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Can you please _____________ me the way to the nearest bus stop?

a. spider

b. direct

c. ring

d. emergency

2) There's some cake on the table. ________________.

a. Please help yourself

b. Please find

c. Please succeed

d. Please advise

3) The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow. ______________, I will bring an umbrella.

a. Indeed

b. Printer

c. Conversation

d. Need

4) I'm having trouble printing this document. I think there's something wrong with the ______________.

a. spider

b. direct

c. printer

d. ring

5) The children were engaged in an animated ______________ about their favorite cartoons.

a. conversation

b. imagination

c. emergency

d. succeed