
ボキャブラリー レッスン29


1. salty adjective [sawl-tee]

having a taste similar to salt, containing a high amount of salt

◼ Example: The soup was too salty for my liking.

2. form noun [fawrm]

a particular way something is shaped, organized, or structured

◼ Example: The artist used clay to create a beautiful sculpture in the form of a bird.

3. sincerely adverb [sin-seer-lee]

in a genuine and heartfelt manner, expressing true feelings or intentions

◼ Example: I sincerely apologize for the mistake I made.

4. pride noun [prahyd]

a feeling of deep satisfaction or pleasure in one's achievements, qualities, or possessions

◼ Example: He felt a sense of pride after winning the award.

5. There are two reasons for that phrase

used to introduce and explain two specific reasons for a certain situation or statement

◼ Example: There are two reasons for that: first, the weather was bad, and second, the venue was not available.

6. style noun [stahyl]

a particular way of doing or presenting something, a distinctive manner or fashion

◼ Example: She has a unique fashion style that stands out in a crowd.

7. shape noun [sheyp]

the physical form or appearance of something, the outline or contour

◼ Example: The clouds took the shape of animals, resembling a rabbit and a horse.

8. break down phrasal verb [breyk doun]

to stop functioning or operating, to fail, to separate something into smaller parts

◼ Example: The car broke down on the way to the airport.

9. tablet noun [tab-let]

a small, flat, often rectangular device with a touch screen used for various purposes, such as browsing the internet or reading books

◼ Example: He uses a tablet to read e-books and watch movies.

10. event noun [ih-vent]

a planned or organized occasion, a happening or occurrence

◼ Example: The company organized a special event to celebrate its anniversary.


◼ salty

◼ form

◼ sincerely

◼ pride

◼ There are two reasons for that

◼ style

◼ shape

◼ break down

◼ tablet

◼ event

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. in a genuine and heartfelt manner, expressing true feelings or intentions

____________________2. a particular way of doing or presenting something, a distinctive manner or fashion

____________________3. the physical form or appearance of something, the outline or contour

____________________4. a planned or organized occasion, a happening or occurrence

____________________5. to stop functioning or operating, to fail, to separate something into smaller parts

____________________6. used to introduce and explain two specific reasons for a certain situation or statement

____________________7. having a taste similar to salt, containing a high amount of salt

____________________8. a feeling of deep satisfaction or pleasure in one's achievements, qualities, or possessions

____________________9. a particular way something is shaped, organized, or structured

____________________10. a small, flat, often rectangular device with a touch screen used for various purposes, such as browsing the internet or reading books


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The soup is too _____________ for my taste. It needs more seasoning.

a. salty

b. form

c. sincerely

d. pride

2) I filled out the _____________ and submitted it to the office.

a. break down

b. tablet

c. event

d. shape

3) The team organized a grand _____________ to celebrate their success.

a. break down

b. tablet

c. event

d. shape

4) The car suddenly _____________ on the way to the destination, causing a delay.

a. break down

b. tablet

c. event

d. shape

5) She expressed her gratitude _____________ for their support and assistance.

a. salty

b. form

c. sincerely

d. pride