
ボキャブラリー レッスン28


1. argue verb [ahr-gyoo]

to disagree or have a heated discussion with someone, to present reasons or evidence for or against something

◼ Example: They argue about politics all the time.

2. congratulations noun [kənˌɡrætʃəˈleɪʃənz]

expressing praise and good wishes for someone's achievements or success

◼ Example: I offered my congratulations to her for winning the award.

3. shake verb [sheyk]

to move or cause to move back and forth or up and down with quick, forceful movements

◼ Example: He shook my hand firmly.

4. contain verb [kuhn-teyn]

to hold or include something within it, to have as a component or element

◼ Example: The box contains several books.

5. What do you think of? phrase

an expression used to ask someone's opinion or judgment about something

◼ Example: What do you think of the new movie?

6. fan noun [fan]

a person who enthusiastically supports and admires a particular person, team, or thing

◼ Example: She is a big fan of that famous singer.

7. popularity noun [pop-yuh-lar-i-tee]

the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people

◼ Example: The band's popularity skyrocketed after their latest album release.

8. likely adjective [lahyk-lee]

probable or expected to happen, or to be true or suitable in the future

◼ Example: It is likely to rain tomorrow.

9. headphone noun [hed-fohn]

a pair of small speakers worn over the ears, connected to a music player, phone, or other device to listen to audio privately

◼ Example: I use my headphones to listen to music while commuting.

10. quit verb [kwit]

to stop or resign from a job, an activity, or a habit

◼ Example: He decided to quit smoking for the sake of his health.


◼ argue

◼ congratulations

◼ shake

◼ contain

◼ What do you think of?

◼ fan

◼ popularity

◼ likely

◼ headphone

◼ quit

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to hold or include something within it, to have as a component or element

____________________2. probable or expected to happen, or to be true or suitable in the future

____________________3. a person who enthusiastically supports and admires a particular person, team, or thing

____________________4. to stop or resign from a job, an activity, or a habit

____________________5. expressing praise and good wishes for someone's achievements or success

____________________6. to move or cause to move back and forth or up and down with quick, forceful movements

____________________7. the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people

____________________8. an expression used to ask someone's opinion or judgment about something

____________________9. a pair of small speakers worn over the ears, connected to a music player, phone, or other device to listen to audio privately

____________________10. to disagree or have a heated discussion with someone, to present reasons or evidence for or against something


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I would like to _______________ you on your graduation. Well done!

a. argue

b. shake

c. congratulate

d. quit

2) He offered his hand to ______________ with me as a sign of friendship.

a. argue

b. shake

c. quit

d. contain

3) The box ______________ several items of clothing.

a. contains

b. fans

c. likely

d. advises

4) ______________ the new restaurant in town? Have you tried their food yet?

a. What do you think of?

b. Shake

c. Likely

d. Quit

5) She is a huge ______________ of that popular band. She knows all their songs by heart.

a. argue

b. fan

c. finish

d. learn