
ボキャブラリー レッスン23


1. shelter noun (‘shel-tər)

a place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger

◼ Example: The cave became his shelter.

2. sunlight noun (san-ˌlīt)

the light of the sun

◼ Example: Plants should be exposed to sunlight.

3. trouble verb (ˈtrə-bəl)

problems, worries, or difficulties

◼ Example: The company is now having a lot of troubles.

4. address verb (ə-ˈdres, a- also ˈa-ˌdres)

the name of the place where you live or work, including the house or office number and the name of the street, area, and town

◼ Example: I need your name, address and telephone number.

5. audience noun (ˈȯ-dē-ən(t)s, ˈä-)

a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech, etc.

◼ Example: The producers are expecting 5 million in the audience at the concert.

6. dinosaur noun (ˈdī-nə-ˌsȯr)

a large frightening animal that lived a very long time ago but is now extinct (=all of them died)

◼ Example: Jurassic Park is a movie about dinosaurs.

7. expert adj (ˈek-ˌspərt, ik-ˈ)

someone who has a particular skill or who knows a lot about a particular subject

◼ Example: He’s an expert in cooking.

8. honey noun (ˈhə-nē) plural honeys

a sweet, sticky yellow or brown food made by bees

◼ Example: I like pancakes with cream and honey.

9. method noun (ˈme-thəd)

a way of doing something, especially a planned or established way

◼ Example: Farming methods have really changed.

10. million noun (ˈmɪljən)

the number 1,000,000 ; a very large amount or number

◼ Example: What are you going to buy with three million dollars?


◼ shelter

◼ sunlight

◼ trouble

◼ address

◼ audience

◼ honey

◼ expert

◼ dinosaur

◼ method

◼ million

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________ 1. someone who has a particular skill or who knows a lot about a particular subject

____________ 2. a large, frightening animal that lived a very long time ago but is now extinct
(=all of them died)

____________ 3. a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech, etc.

____________ 4. the name of the place where you live or work, including the house or office number and the name of the street, area, and town

____________ 5. problems, worries, or difficulties

____________ 6. the light of the sun

____________ 7. a place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger

____________ 8. the number 1,000,000 ; a very large amount or number

____________ 9. a way of doing something, especially a planned or established way

____________ 10. a sweet, sticky yellow or brown food made by bees


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) This hut was his ________. He lived here for 30 years.

a. million

b. shelter

c. expert

d. sunlight

2) The actor’s mansion cost 12 ________ dollars.

a. sunlight

b. address

c. expert

d. million

3) I like Mark’s teaching ________.

a. method

b. address

c. million

d. expert

4) I’m sorry for the ________ I’ve caused.

a. sunlight

b. troubles

c. million

d. expert

5) This room is so dark. Let the ________ in.

a. expert

b. sunlight

c. million

d. address