
ボキャブラリー レッスン22


1. front noun (frənt)

the surface of something that faces forwards

◼ Example: The front design is really pretty.

2. guess verb (ges)

to form an opinion of from little or no evidence

◼ Example: It’s hard to guess the answer.

3. professor noun (prə-fe-sər)

a faculty member of the highest academic rank at an institution of higher education

◼ Example: My professor in Math is an old woman.

4. sale noun (sāl)

the act of selling; the transfer of ownership from one person to another for a price

◼ Example: The sale for this month is really good.

5. traffic noun, often attributive (tra-fik)

the vehicles that are travelling in an area at a particular time

◼ Example: There’s heavy traffic on Linen Avenue now.

6. vehicle noun (vē-ə-kəl)

a machine that you travel in or on, especially one with an engine that travels on roads, for example, a car, bus, van, truck, or motorcycle

◼ Example: Watch out for fast oncoming vehicles.

7. character noun (ker-ik-tər)

the qualities that make up someone's personality

◼ Example: Carol’s character is unbelievable. She’s so selfish.

8. gift noun (gift)

something that you give to someone as a present

◼ Example: Paul bought a gift for his girlfriend.

9. mistake verb (mə-stāk)

something that you have not done correctly

◼ Example: I won't make the same mistake again!

10. passenger noun (pa-sən-jər)

someone who travels in a motor vehicle, aircraft, train, or ship but is not the driver or one of the people who works on it

◼ Example: The passengers waited for the bus for an hour.


◼ front

◼ professor

◼ character

◼ traffic

◼ sale

◼ guess

◼ mistake

◼ passenger

◼ vehicle

◼ gift

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________ 1. the vehicles that are travelling in an area at a particular time

__________ 2. a machine that you travel in or on, especially one with an engine that travels on roads, for example, a car, bus, van, truck, or motorcycle

__________ 3. the qualities that make up someone's personality

__________ 4. something that you give to someone as a present

__________ 5. something that you have not done correctly

__________ 6. someone who travels in a motor vehicle, aircraft, train, or ship but is not the driver or one of the people who works on it

__________ 7. the surface of something that faces forwards

__________ 8. to form an opinion of from little or no evidence

__________ 9. a faculty member of the highest academic rank at an institution of higher education

__________ 10. the act of selling; the transfer of ownership from one person to another for a price


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) My _________ told me that I failed the exam.

a. mistake

b. character

c. guess

d. professor

2) I like her _________. She’s very cheerful.

a. character

b. mistake

c. gift

d. guess

3) Huge _________ are not allowed on this narrow road.

a. professors

b. mistakes

c. passengers

d. vehicles

4) You’re making a _________. It’s not the right answer.

a. vehicle

b. mistake

c. passenger

d. traffic

5) Sorry we’re late. We were stuck in _________.

a. vehicle

b. sale

c. mistake

d. traffic