
ボキャブラリー レッスン2


1. Countryside noun [kuhn-tree-sahyd]

a rural area or its inhabitants

◼ Example: I enjoy the quiet life of the countryside.
◻ Note: Which do you prefer, the city or the countryside?

2. Custom noun [kuhs-tuhm]

a practice that is habitual; a practice that is followed and shared by a group or region

◼ Example: It’s a custom in our family to eat dinner together.
◻ Note: ‘Custom’ is also an adjective which means made specially for individual customers: I gave her a custom-made shirt.

3. Customer noun [kuhs-tuh-mer]

a person who buys goods and services

◼ Example: The new store already has a lot of customers.
◻ Note: Are you a good customer?

4. Degree noun [dih-gree]

one in any of a series of steps or stages in a process, course or progression

◼ Example: Are you ready for a next degree of difficulty?
intensity or amount

◼ Example: The degree of heat is unbearable.
◻ Note: ‘Degree’ is usually used to express ‘extent or measure’, as to “To what degree can you go?”

5. Dentist noun [den-tist]

a professional who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry; teeth doctor

◼ Example: I go to my dentist every 6 months.
◻ Note: Do you regularly visit your dentist?

6. Disaster noun [dih-zas-ter, -zah-ster]

an event or occurrence that causes huge damage, destruction of properties, injuries and even death

◼ Example: The 2011 tsunami was one of the big disasters that ever hit Japan.
◻ Note: Has any disaster ever hit your area?

7. Drugstore noun [druhg-stawr, -stohr]

a store or a place of business where medicines or drugs are sold, sometimes some other articles like toothpaste, mouthwash, and cosmetics are also sold here

◼ Example: I rushed to the drugstore to buy my mom medicine for her headache.
◻ Note: What can you buy in a drugstore?

8. Earthquake noun [urth-kweyk]

sudden movement or vibration made by the earth’s crust sometimes caused by volcanic activity or movements of faults; shock or tremor

◼ Example: Everybody’s scared of earthquakes.
◼ Example: We need to buy a new cloth for the table for your birthday celebration.
◻ Note: What should you do when there’s an earthquake?

9. Effort noun [ef-ert]

the exertion of either physical or mental energy or both in doing something

◼ Example: It takes a lot of effort for one to be fluent in a foreign language.
an intense attempt to do something

◼ Example: Please exert an effort to meet the deadline.
to do something with great difficulty

◼ Example: It is indeed a great effort to wake up early in the morning.
◻ Note: Do you exert much effort to prepare for the Eiken exam?

10. Entertainment noun [en-ter-teyn-muhnt]

the act of entertaining, amusing or pleasing through a performance or a show; a production that entertains

◼ Example: Theater art is my most favorite kind of entertainment.
◻ Note: What kinds of entertainment do you like the most?


◼ countryside

◼ custom

◼ customer

◼ degree

◼ dentist

◼ disaster

◼ drugstore

◼ earthquake

◼ effort

◼ entertainment

Give the word being asked for each number.


_________________ 1. a practice that is habitual; a practice that is followed and shared by a group or region

_________________ 2. an event or occurrence that causes huge damage, destruction of properties, injuries and even death

_________________ 3. a professional who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry; teeth doctor

_________________ 4. one in any of a series of steps or stages in a process, course or progression

_________________ 5. a store or a place of business where medicines or drugs are sold, sometimes some other articles like toothpaste, mouthwash, cosmetics are also sold here

_________________ 6. the act of entertaining, amusing or pleasing through a performance or a show; a production that entertains

_________________ 7. a person who buys goods and services

_________________ 8. the exertion of either physical or mental energy or both in doing something

_________________ 9. a rural area or its inhabitants

_________________ 10. sudden movement or vibration made by the earth’s crust sometimes caused by volcanic activity or movements of faults; shock or tremor


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I have to go to the ____________. I need to buy something to relieve my sister’s stomachache.

a. flower shop

b. department store

c. drugstore

d. shoe store

2) We need to get more ______________ for our business to sell well.

a. customers

b. trainees

c. employees

d. bosses

3) My ___________ gave me some advice on how to take care of my teeth.

a. surgeon

b. pediatrician

c. dentist

d. veterinarian

4) As compared to the city, the ___________ is much more relaxed and quiet.

a. countryside

b. forest

c. jungle

d. urban area

5) Our city was hit by a strong ___________ this morning. The shaking was really scary.

a. thunder

b. earthquake

c. typhoon

d. landslide