
ボキャブラリー レッスン158


1. whatever pronoun, determiner, adverb [wuhd-ev-er]

used to refer to anything or everything; regardless of what

◼ Example: You can choose whatever movie you want to watch tonight.

2. surprise noun, verb [ser-prahyz]

a feeling of astonishment or shock caused by something unexpected

◼ Example: The birthday party was a surprise for my friend.

3. judge verb, noun [juhj]

to form an opinion or evaluation; a person who decides on a verdict in a court

◼ Example: You should not judge others based on their appearance.

4. semester noun [si-mes-ter]

a division of the academic year in schools or universities

◼ Example: The fall semester begins in September and ends in December.

5. weekday noun [week-dey]

any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday

◼ Example: I usually go to work on weekdays.

6. hardly adverb [hahrd-lee]

barely, scarcely, or almost not; with great difficulty

◼ Example: She hardly ever stays up late at night.

7. What's wrong with? phrase [wuts rawng with]

used to inquire about the problem or issue with something or someone

◼ Example: What's wrong with your computer? It keeps freezing.

8. shy adjective [shahy]

reserved or hesitant in social situations; lacking confidence

◼ Example: He is shy and doesn't speak much in public.

9. suitable adjective [soo-tuh-buhl]

appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose or situation

◼ Example: This dress is suitable for formal occasions.

10. before long phrase [bih-fawr lawng]

in the near future; after a short amount of time

◼ Example: If you keep practicing, you will improve your skills before long.


◼ whatever

◼ surprise

◼ judge

◼ semester

◼ weekday

◼ hardly

◼ What's wrong with?

◼ shy

◼ suitable

◼ before long

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to form an opinion or evaluation; a person who decides on a verdict in a court

____________________2. any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday

____________________3. used to refer to anything or everything; regardless of what

____________________4. a division of the academic year in schools or universities

____________________5. a feeling of astonishment or shock caused by something unexpected

____________________6. barely, scarcely, or almost not; with great difficulty

____________________7. used to inquire about the problem or issue with something or someone

____________________8. in the near future; after a short amount of time

____________________9. appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose or situation

____________________10. reserved or hesitant in social situations; lacking confidence


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) This dress is ______________ for both casual and formal occasions.

a. suitable

b. before long

c. shy

d. hardly

2) The unexpected gift was a pleasant ______________ for her.

a. judge

b. shy

c. surprise

d. suitable

3) People ____________ the talents and abilities of others.

a. suprise

b. hardly

c. judge

d. before long

4) I have exams at the end of the ______________.

a. surprise

b. hardly

c. semester

d. suitable

5) She ____________ sees her friends on ____________ because she has work.

a. grew / needed

b. needed / stopped

c. stopped / travelled

d. hardly / weekdays