
ボキャブラリー レッスン156


1. get better phrase [get bet-er]

to improve in health, skill, or condition

◼ Example: With regular practice, you will get better at playing the piano.

2. catch up with phrasal verb [kach uhp with]

to reach the same level or progress as someone or something after falling behind

◼ Example: I need to study hard to catch up with my classmates in math.

3. One reason (The first reason) is that phrase [wuhn ree-zuhn (thuh furst ree-zuhn) iz that]

an expression used to introduce and emphasize a particular reason or explanation

◼ Example: One reason for the traffic congestion is that there is ongoing construction work.

4. brave adjective [breyv]

showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty

◼ Example: The firefighter was praised for his brave rescue of the trapped cat.

5. angle noun [ang-guhl]

the space between two lines or surfaces that meet at a point; a perspective or point of view

◼ Example: He adjusted the camera to capture the perfect angle for the photograph.

6. First (ly) adverb [furst (lee)]

in the first place; before anything else

◼ Example: First, you need to gather all the necessary ingredients for the recipe.

7. firework noun [fahy-er-wurk]

a device that produces a visual and/or auditory display of lights and colors, often used for celebration

◼ Example: We watched the spectacular fireworks display on New Year's Eve.

8. how come? phrase [how kuhm]

an informal way of asking why or how something happened or is the case

◼ Example: How come you're late for the meeting? Did something unexpected happen?

9. yet adverb [yet]

up until the present time; so far; nevertheless

◼ Example: I haven't finished my homework yet. I still have a few more exercises to complete.

10. wrap verb [rap]

to cover or enclose something by folding or winding a material around it

◼ Example: She carefully wrapped the gift in colorful wrapping paper before giving it to her friend.


◼ get better

◼ catch up with

◼ One reason (The first reason) is that

◼ brave

◼ angle

◼ First (ly)

◼ firework

◼ how come?

◼ yet

◼ wrap

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. an expression used to introduce and emphasize a particular reason or explanation

____________________2. showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty

____________________3. a device that produces a visual and/or auditory display of lights and colors, often used for celebration

____________________4. to reach the same level or progress as someone or something after falling behind

____________________5. an informal way of asking why or how something happened or is the case

____________________6. in the first place; before anything else

____________________7. to improve in health, skill, or condition

____________________8. to cover or enclose something by folding or winding a material around it

____________________9. up until the present time; so far; nevertheless

____________________10. the space between two lines or surfaces that meet at a point; a perspective or point of view


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) He used colorful wrapping paper to ________________ the birthday present for his friend.

a. firework

b. catch up with

c. wrap

d. yet

2) ________________, let's prepare the ingredients for the salad.

a. Catch up with

b. One reason

c. First

d. Get better

3) The photographer captured the stunning ____________ of the sunset over the ocean.

a. angle

b. firework

c. one reason

d. brave

4) We haven't had lunch ____________ ; we're waiting for everyone to gather.

a. firework

b. catch up with

c. wrap

d. yet

5) The grand finale of the celebration was a spectacular ____________ display that lit up the night sky.

a. how come

b. catch up with

c. firework

d. brave