
ボキャブラリー レッスン154


1. boarding noun [bawr-ding]

the act of getting on or entering a vehicle or aircraft

◼ Example: Passengers should proceed to the boarding gate for their flight.

2. risk noun [risk]

the possibility of loss, injury, or harm; a chance of danger or negative outcome

◼ Example: Rock climbing involves a certain level of risk.

3. shrimp noun [shrimp]

a small, edible crustacean with a long tail and ten legs

◼ Example: I ordered a plate of grilled shrimp at the seafood restaurant.

4. rainbow noun [reyn-boh]

a natural phenomenon consisting of a spectrum of colors that appears in the sky when the sun shines onto drops of moisture in the air

◼ Example: After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

5. chemical noun [kem-i-kuhl]

a substance with a distinct molecular composition, produced by or used in chemical processes

◼ Example: The laboratory technician mixed various chemicals to conduct the experiment.

6. physically adverb [fiz-i-kuh-lee]

relating to the body or the physical aspect; in a manner involving the body or physical actions

◼ Example: Exercise helps improve both mental and physical well-being.

7. majority noun [muh-jawr-i-tee]

the greater number or part; more than half

◼ Example: The majority of the students voted in favor of the new school policy.

8. act noun [akt]

a specific action or deed; something done voluntarily

◼ Example: Kindness is a simple act that can brighten someone's day.

9. scenery noun [seen-uh-ree]

the natural features or landscape of a place, especially when picturesque

◼ Example: We went on a hike to enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the mountains.

10. float verb [floht]

to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid without sinking; to drift or be carried along by a current

◼ Example: The colorful balloons floated in the air during the parade.


◼ boarding

◼ risk

◼ shrimp

◼ rainbow

◼ chemical

◼ physically

◼ majority

◼ act

◼ scenery

◼ float

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. the greater number or part; more than half

____________________2. the possibility of loss, injury, or harm; a chance of danger or negative outcome

____________________3. the natural features or landscape of a place, especially when picturesque

____________________4. a small, edible crustacean with a long tail and ten legs

____________________5. the act of getting on or entering a vehicle or aircraft

____________________6. to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid without sinking; to drift or be carried along by a current

____________________7. a specific action or deed; something done voluntarily

____________________8. relating to the body or the physical aspect; in a manner involving the body or physical actions

____________________9. a substance with a distinct molecular composition, produced by or used in chemical processes

____________________10. a natural phenomenon consisting of a spectrum of colors that appears in the sky when the sun shines onto drops of moisture in the air


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) There is a ______________ of thunderstorms tonight, so bring an umbrella.

a. boarding

b. risk

c. rainbow

d. act

2) The ____________ in the aquarium were fascinating to observe.

a. float

b. shrimp

c. chemical

d. rainbow

3) The leaf ____________ on the water's surface, carried by the gentle current.

a. boarding

b. floated

c. shrimp

d. chemical

4) The ____________ process at the airport was smooth, and we were soon on our way to our vacation destination.

a. boarding

b. chemical

c. rainbow

d. act

5) The ____________ of the students voted in favor of having a longer summer break.

a. boarding

b. physically

c. majority

d. chemical