
ボキャブラリー レッスン149


1. treatment noun [treet-muhnt]

a medical care or procedure to alleviate or cure an illness or condition

◼ Example: The doctor prescribed a new treatment for her allergies.

2. do well idiom [doo wel]

to perform or succeed in a satisfactory manner

◼ Example: She studied hard and did well on her exams.

3. as well idiom [az wel]

in addition, also, too

◼ Example: I enjoy swimming, and I like hiking as well.

4. keep (on) doing idiom [kep on doo-ing]

to continue doing something repeatedly or persistently

◼ Example: She keeps on practicing the piano to improve her skills.

5. admit verb [ad-mit]

to confess or acknowledge the truth or existence of something

◼ Example: He admitted his mistake and apologized.

6. measure verb [mez-her]

to determine the size, quantity, or extent of something using a measuring instrument or method

◼ Example: Please measure the length of the table using a ruler.

7. work on phrasal verb [wurk on]

to focus on or make efforts to improve or develop something

◼ Example: He is currently working on his new novel.

8. awake adjective [uh-weyk]

not sleeping, conscious, not asleep

◼ Example: She lay awake in bed, unable to fall asleep.

9. request noun [ri-kwest]

a polite or formal demand or inquiry for something

◼ Example: She sent a request for a meeting to her colleagues.

10. the last A to do idiom [thuh last A to doo]

the final or ultimate thing or person to perform a specific action

◼ Example: She was the last student to submit her assignment.


◼ treatment

◼ do well

◼ as well

◼ keep (on) doing

◼ admit

◼ measure

◼ work on

◼ awake

◼ request

◼ the last A to do

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. in addition, also, too

____________________2. not sleeping, conscious, not asleep

____________________3. a medical care or procedure to alleviate or cure an illness or condition

____________________4. to confess or acknowledge the truth or existence of something

____________________5. the final or ultimate thing or person to perform a specific action

____________________6. a polite or formal demand or inquiry for something

____________________7. to focus on or make efforts to improve or develop something

____________________8. to perform or succeed in a satisfactory manner

____________________9. to determine the size, quantity, or extent of something using a measuring instrument or method

____________________10. to continue doing something repeatedly or persistently


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I was ____________ all night studying for the exam.

a. measure

b. awake

c. work on

d. do well

2) If you want to achieve success, you need to ____________ your best.

a. awake

b. keep (on) doing

c. do well

d. as well

3) You can ____________ the distance using a tape measure.

a. enjoy

b. request

c. measure

d. offer

4) I ______________ that I made a mistake. I apologize for the confusion.

a. do well

b. keep (on) doing

c. admit

d. work on

5) This is ___________ chance to finish the project. Let's give it our best.

a. the last

b. a request

c. an invite

d. a treatment