
ボキャブラリー レッスン145


1. bakery noun [bey-kuh-ree]

a place where bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods are made or sold

◼ Example: I bought a fresh loaf of bread from the local bakery.

2. gasoline noun [gas-uh-leen]

a liquid fuel used in internal combustion engines, typically for cars and motorcycles

◼ Example: We need to fill up the car with gasoline before going on a road trip.

3. silence noun [sahy-luhns]

the absence of sound, quietness, a state of no noise or talking

◼ Example: The library requires silence to maintain a peaceful studying environment.

4. influence noun [in-floo-uhns]

the power to affect or shape someone's thoughts, actions, or behavior

◼ Example: Her parents' advice had a significant influence on her career choice.

5. foreign adjective [fawr-in, for-]

relating to or originating from a different country, unfamiliar or unknown

◼ Example: She enjoys learning about different cultures and trying foreign cuisines.

6. similar adjective [sim-uh-ler]

having qualities or characteristics that are alike or comparable

◼ Example: The two houses have a similar design and color scheme.

7. fill up [fil-uhp]

to make something full, to put enough of something into a container or space

◼ Example: Please fill up the water bottle before we go on the hike.

8. explore verb [ik-splawr, -splohr]

to travel through or investigate a place or subject in order to discover or learn about it

◼ Example: They decided to explore the ancient ruins of the lost city.

9. for a minute [fer ah min-it]

for a short period of time, a brief moment

◼ Example: Can you wait for a minute? I need to grab my coat.

10. be away [bee uh-wey]

to be absent or not present in a particular place, to be on a trip or not at home

◼ Example: She won't be able to attend the meeting because she will be away on a business trip.


◼ bakery

◼ gasoline

◼ silence

◼ influence

◼ foreign

◼ similar

◼ fill up

◼ explore

◼ for a minute

◼ be away

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. the absence of sound, quietness

____________________2. a place where bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods are made or sold

____________________3. having qualities or characteristics that are alike or comparable

____________________4. the power to affect or shape someone's thoughts, actions, or behavior

____________________5. to put enough of something into a container or space

____________________6. to travel through or investigate a place or subject in order to discover or learn about it

____________________7. for a short period of time, a brief moment

____________________8. relating to or originating from a different country, unfamiliar or unknown

____________________9. to be absent or not present in a particular place

____________________10. a liquid fuel used in internal combustion engines, typically for cars and motorcycles


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Could you please _____________ my glass with water? It's almost empty.

a. explore

b. fill up

c. silence

d. foreign

2) The teacher's ______________ had a positive impact on the students' motivation to study.

a. explore

b. influence

c. silence

d. be away

3) Let's ______________ the city during our vacation and visit all the famous landmarks.

a. bakery

b. foreign

c. explore

d. for a minute

4) She asked her friend to wait ______________ while she went to grab her bag.

a. for a minute

b. bakery

c. gasoline

d. silence

5) I won't be able to attend the party because I will ______________ on a business trip.

a. fill up

b. be away

c. influence

d. foreign