
ボキャブラリー レッスン144


1. take A back to B

to return A to B, to bring A back to its original location or owner

◼ Example: I will take the borrowed books back to the library tomorrow.

2. paint verb [peynt]

to apply color to a surface using a brush or other tools

◼ Example: She loves to paint landscapes with vibrant colors.

3. without fail

with certainty, with a guarantee that something will happen or be done

◼ Example: He wakes up at 6 a.m. every day without fail.

4. poem noun [poh-em]

a piece of writing that expresses emotions or ideas in a rhythmic and imaginative way

◼ Example: She wrote a beautiful poem about the beauty of nature.

5. throat noun [throht]

the passage that leads from the back of the mouth to the stomach, used for swallowing and speaking

◼ Example: Her throat was sore, so she couldn't speak loudly.

6. cut down

to reduce in size or quantity, to decrease, to chop down a tree or plant

◼ Example: We need to cut down on our expenses to save money.

7. real adjective [ree-uhl]

existing in fact, genuine, not imaginary or fake

◼ Example: The painting looked so real that it appeared as if you could touch the objects.

8. photographer noun [fuh-tog-ruh-fer]

a person who takes photographs professionally or as a hobby

◼ Example: The photographer captured stunning images of wildlife in their natural habitats.

9. be full of

to have a lot of something, to contain a large quantity or variety of things

◼ Example: The park was full of colorful flowers and buzzing insects.

10. nature noun [ney-cher]

the physical world and everything in it, including plants, animals, mountains, rivers, etc.

◼ Example: She loves to go hiking and immerse herself in the beauty of nature.


◼ take A back to B

◼ paint

◼ without fail

◼ poem

◼ throat

◼ cut down

◼ real

◼ photographer

◼ be full of

◼ nature

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to reduce in size or quantity, to decrease

____________________2. a person who takes photographs professionally or as a hobby

____________________3. the physical world and everything in it, including plants, animals, mountains, rivers, etc.

____________________4. to apply color to a surface using a brush or other tools

____________________5. with certainty, with a guarantee that something will happen or be done

____________________6. to return A to B, to bring A back to its original location or owner

____________________7. existing in fact, genuine, not imaginary or fake

____________________8. the passage that leads from the back of the mouth to the stomach, used for swallowing and speaking

____________________9. a piece of writing that expresses emotions or ideas in a rhythmic and imaginative way

____________________10. to have a lot of something, to contain a large quantity or variety of things


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) She is a talented ________________. Her photographs are always stunning.

a. take A back to B

b. paint

c. photographer

d. be full of

2) Don't forget to bring the umbrella with you ________________ it rains.

a. without fail

b. throat

c. cut down

d. real

3) The students were asked to write a ________________ about their favorite season.

a. poem

b. paint

c. throat

d. nature

4) He had a sore ________________ and couldn't speak properly.

a. real

b. be full of

c. throat

d. poem

5) The government decided to ________________ the number of trees in the city to make space for a new building.

a. cut down

b. take back

c. without fail

d. nature