
ボキャブラリー レッスン143


1. stair noun [stair]

a step or set of steps leading from one floor to another in a building

◼ Example: She climbed the stairs to reach her apartment on the third floor.

2. a number of phrase [uh nuhm-ber uhv]

several or many; a quantity or group of something

◼ Example: A number of people attended the concert last night.

3. deeply adverb [deep-lee]

to a great extent; profoundly

◼ Example: He was deeply moved by the emotional speech.

4. Russian adjective [ruhsh-uhn]

related to or coming from Russia, or pertaining to the Russian language or culture

◼ Example: She studied Russian literature in college.

5. less adjective [les]

comparative form of "little," indicating a smaller amount or degree

◼ Example: He ate less sugar to reduce his intake of sweets.

6. contact verb [kon-takt]

to communicate or get in touch with someone

◼ Example: I will contact you by email regarding the meeting.

7. I have an appointment with A phrase [ahy hav uhn uh-point-muhnt with]

a scheduled meeting or arrangement with someone

◼ Example: I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning.

8. elderly adjective [el-der-lee]

characteristic of or pertaining to older people; senior or aged

◼ Example: The elderly couple enjoys taking walks in the park.

9. look over phrasal verb [look oh-ver]

to examine or review something briefly

◼ Example: She looked over the report before submitting it to her supervisor.

10. inside adverb [in-sahyd]

in or into the interior or inner part of something

◼ Example: The keys were left inside the house.


◼ stair

◼ a number of

◼ deeply

◼ Russian

◼ less

◼ contact

◼ I have an appointment with

◼ elderly

◼ look over

◼ inside

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to a great extent; profoundly

____________________2. a step or set of steps leading from one floor to another in a building

____________________3. several or many; a quantity or group of something

____________________4. a scheduled meeting or arrangement with someone

____________________5. comparative form of "little," indicating a smaller amount or degree

____________________6. to communicate or get in touch with someone

____________________7. related to or coming from Russia, or pertaining to the Russian language or culture

____________________8. in or into the interior or inner part of something

____________________9. to examine or review something briefly

____________________10. characteristic of or pertaining to older people; senior or aged


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Let's go ________________ and grab a table for dinner.

a. look over

b. stair

c. inside

d. less

2) I have an ________________ with the dentist at 3 PM.

a. appointment

b. elderly

c. a number of

d. inside

3) She needed ________________ time to complete the task than expected.

a. a number of

b. less

c. stair

d. inside

4) She learned to speak fluent ________________ during her year abroad.

a. deeply

b. elderly

c. Russian

d. a number of

5) ________________ students attended the seminar on astrophysics.

a. Look over

b. Contact

c. Inside

d. A number of