
ボキャブラリー レッスン141


1. give (lend) me a hand phrase [giv (lend) mee uh hand]

to ask someone for assistance or help

◼ Example: Can you give me a hand with carrying these boxes?

2. no more than phrase [noh mawr thahn]

not exceeding a certain amount or limit; only

◼ Example: Please use no more than two tablespoons of sugar in the recipe.

3. scared adjective [skaird]

feeling fear or apprehension; afraid

◼ Example: The little girl was scared of the dark and asked for a nightlight.

4. miracle noun [mir-uh-kuhl]

an extraordinary or unexplained event that is believed to be caused by a divine power

◼ Example: The survival of the trapped miners was considered a miracle.

5. apologize verb [uh-pol-uh-jahyz]

to express regret or say sorry for one's actions or words

◼ Example: He apologized for being late to the meeting.

6. no one's (the) way (to) phrase [noh wuhnz (thuh) wey (toh)]

not obstructing or blocking someone's path or route

◼ Example: Please move your car so that it's not in anyone's way.

7. I'm afraid phrase [ahym uh-freyd]

used to politely introduce a statement or deliver bad news

◼ Example: I'm afraid the store is closed for the day.

8. Let me check phrase [let mee chek]

a request to verify or examine something

◼ Example: Let me check if we have any available rooms in the hotel.

9. photograph noun [foh-tuh-graf]

a picture or image captured by a camera

◼ Example: She took a photograph of the beautiful sunset at the beach.

10. available adjective [uh-vey-luh-buhl]

ready to be used, obtained, or accessed; not occupied or in use

◼ Example: Is there an available table for two at the restaurant?


◼ give (lend) me a hand

◼ no more than

◼ scared

◼ miracle

◼ apologize

◼ no one's (the) way (to)

◼ I'm afraid

◼ Let me check

◼ photograph

◼ available

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a request to verify or examine something

____________________2. an extraordinary or unexplained event that is believed to be caused by a divine power

____________________3. ready to be used, obtained, or accessed; not occupied or in use

____________________4. not exceeding a certain amount or limit; only

____________________5. used to politely introduce a statement or deliver bad news

____________________6. not obstructing or blocking someone's path or route

____________________7. to express regret or say sorry for one's actions or words

____________________8. to ask someone for assistance or help

____________________9. a picture or image captured by a camera

____________________10. feeling fear or apprehension; afraid


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Can you please _____________ me a hand with this heavy suitcase?

a. miracle

b. give

c. available

d. photograph

2) The concert tickets cost ______________ $50 each.

a. no one's way

b. no more than

c. I'm afraid

d. available

3) The loud noise _____________away the birds in the trees.

a. photograph

b. miracle

c. no more than

d. scared

4) I'm really sorry for my mistake. I want to _______________ for any inconvenience caused.

a. available

b. let me check

c. apologize

d. I'm afraid

5) The construction work is blocking _____________ to the main entrance of the building.

a. I'm afraid

b. no one's way

c. available

d. no more than