
ボキャブラリー レッスン140


1. It could take a while phrase [it kood teyk uh wahyl]

to indicate that something may require a significant amount of time or take longer than expected

◼ Example: The repair of your car could take a while, so please be patient.

2. right away phrase [rahyt uh-wey]

immediately or without delay

◼ Example: The restaurant will bring your food right away after you place your order.

3. round noun [round]

a circular shape or object

◼ Example: The table in the dining room is round, allowing everyone to have an equal view.

4. reservation noun [rez-er-vey-shuhn]

an arrangement made in advance to secure a place or spot

◼ Example: I made a reservation at the hotel for our upcoming vacation.

5. nut noun [nuht]

a hard-shelled seed or fruit, often edible

◼ Example: She likes to snack on almonds, which are nutritious nuts.

6. bright adjective [brahyt]

having a strong or vivid light; full of light or shining

◼ Example: The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky.

7. hunt verb [huhnt]

to search or pursue with the intention of finding or capturing

◼ Example: The children went on a treasure hunt in the backyard, searching for hidden clues.

8. take A out of B phrase [teyk A out uhv B]

to remove or extract A from B

◼ Example: Please take the book out of the bag and give it to me.

9. modern adjective [mod-ern]

relating to or characteristic of the present or recent times; contemporary

◼ Example: The house has a modern design with sleek lines and minimalist furniture.

10. be involved in phrase [bee in-volvd in]

to participate or take part in a particular activity or situation

◼ Example: She is involved in various charity organizations and volunteers her time regularly.


◼ It could take a while

◼ right away

◼ round

◼ reservation

◼ nut

◼ bright

◼ hunt

◼ take A out of B

◼ modern

◼ be involved in

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. an arrangement made in advance to secure a place or spot

____________________2. to remove or extract A from B

____________________3. a circular shape or object

____________________4. to indicate that something may require a significant amount of time or take longer than expected

____________________5. relating to or characteristic of the present or recent times; contemporary

____________________6. to participate or take part in a particular activity or situation

____________________7. to search or pursue with the intention of finding or capturing

____________________8. immediately or without delay

____________________9. a hard-shelled seed or fruit, often edible

____________________10. having a strong or vivid light; full of light or shining


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Can you please _____________ the book out of the shelf? I want to read it.

a. bright

b. take

c. reservation

d. involve

2) I made a ______________ at the restaurant for tonight's dinner.

a. right away

b. take out

c. reservation

d. be involved in

3) The children are excited to go on an Easter egg ______________ in the park.

a. modern

b. hunt

c. bright

d. round

4) The sun is shining so _____________ today. It's a beautiful day to go for a picnic.

a. nut

b. bright

c. take out

d. be involved in

5) She is actively ______________ in community service projects.

a. taking out

b. modern

c. being involved

d. hunting