
ボキャブラリー レッスン137


1. souvenir noun [soo-vuh-neer]

an item kept as a reminder or memento of a place visited or an event attended

◼ Example: I bought a keychain as a souvenir from my trip to Paris.

2. handsome adjective [han-suhm]

pleasing or attractive in appearance, often used to describe men

◼ Example: He is a handsome actor with a charming smile.

3. instead adverb [in-sted]

in place of or as an alternative to something else

◼ Example: I decided to have tea instead of coffee.

4. send out phrasal verb [send out]

to dispatch or distribute something, usually by mail or electronic means

◼ Example: They will send out the invitations for the party next week.

5. fear noun [feer]

an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something dangerous or harmful is likely to happen

◼ Example: She has a fear of heights and avoids tall buildings.

6. sound like verb phrase [sound lahyk]

to have a similar or resembling sound or voice

◼ Example: He plays the guitar so well, he sounds like a professional musician.

7. weigh verb [wey]

to measure the weight of something using scales or a balance

◼ Example: Please weigh the ingredients before adding them to the recipe.

8. forward adverb [for-werd]

in the direction ahead or toward a specific destination or recipient

◼ Example: Please forward this email to the appropriate department.

9. prefer A to B phrase [pri-fur A toh B]

to like or choose A more than B, to have a greater preference for A over B

◼ Example: I prefer tea to coffee because I find it more relaxing.

10. draw verb [draw]

to create a picture or image by making lines or marks on paper or another surface

◼ Example: She loves to draw and often sketches portraits of her friends.


◼ souvenir

◼ handsome

◼ instead

◼ send out

◼ fear

◼ sound like

◼ weigh

◼ forward

◼ prefer A to B

◼ draw

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to dispatch or distribute something, usually by mail or electronic means

____________________2. to have a similar or resembling sound or voice

____________________3. in place of or as an alternative to something else

____________________4. an item kept as a reminder or memento of a place visited or an event attended

____________________5. to like or choose A more than B, to have a greater preference for A over B

____________________6. pleasing or attractive in appearance, often used to describe men

____________________7. to create a picture or image by making lines or marks on paper or another surface

____________________8. in the direction ahead or toward a specific destination or recipient

____________________9. an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something dangerous or harmful is likely to happen

____________________10. to measure the weight of something using scales or a balance


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) He is quite _______________ and attracts a lot of attention.

a. fear

b. weigh

c. handsome

d. draw

2) I will _______________ the documents to you by express mail.

a. handsome

b. sound like

c. send out

d. instead

3) She _______________ she had a sore throat over the phone.

a. sounded like

b. send out

c. weighed

d. forwarded

4) The suitcase must ____________ less than 50 pounds for the flight.

a. instead

b. send out

c. weigh

d. souvenir

5) He likes to ____________ landscapes in his free time.

a. fear

b. draw

c. forward

d. souvenir