
ボキャブラリー レッスン133


1. turn on phrasal verb [turn on]

to activate or start a device or appliance by pressing a button or switch

◼ Example: Don't forget to turn on the lights when you enter the room.

2. for long phrase [for lawng]

for a considerable amount of time

◼ Example: She has been waiting for her friend for long.

3. important adjective [im-pawr-tnt]

having great significance or value

◼ Example: It is important to prioritize your health and well-being.

4. recent adjective [ree-suhnt]

having happened or occurred not long ago

◼ Example: I read an interesting article in a recent magazine.

5. importance noun [im-pawr-tns]

the quality of being significant, valuable, or necessary

◼ Example: The importance of education cannot be overstated.

6. total adjective [toh-tl]

complete, absolute, or entire

◼ Example: The total cost of the project exceeded our initial estimation.

7. cheap adjective [cheep]

inexpensive or low in price

◼ Example: I found a cheap flight deal for my vacation.

8. in turn phrase [in turn]

one after another in a sequence or succession

◼ Example: Each team member presented their ideas in turn during the meeting.

9. overcome verb [oh-ver-kuhm]

to successfully deal with or defeat a difficulty or obstacle

◼ Example: She worked hard to overcome her fear of public speaking.

10. Would you put me through to A? phrase [wood yoo put mee throo too A]

Can you connect me to person A? (usually used when making a phone call)

◼ Example: Excuse me, would you put me through to the customer service department?


◼ turn on

◼ for long

◼ important

◼ recent

◼ importance

◼ total

◼ cheap

◼ in turn

◼ overcome

◼ Would you put me through to A?

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. having great significance or value

____________________2. the quality of being significant, valuable, or necessary

____________________3. to activate or start a device or appliance by pressing a button or switch

____________________4. having happened or occurred not long ago

____________________5. for a considerable amount of time

____________________6. complete, absolute, or entire

____________________7. Can you connect me to person A? (usually used when making a phone call)

____________________8. one after another in a sequence or succession

____________________9. to successfully deal with or defeat a difficulty or obstacle

____________________10. inexpensive or low in price


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) With determination, she managed to _______________ her fears.

a. for long

b. overcome

c. turn on

d. important

2) The store is offering a discount, making it a _______________ option.

a. overcome

b. in turn

c. recent

d. importance

3) The _______________ of exercise for a healthy lifestyle cannot be overstated.

a. for long

b. important

c. importance

d. in turn

4) Each member will speak _______________ during the meeting.

a. for long

b. overcome

c. in turn

d. important

5) The _______________ cost of the repairs was more than expected.

a. total

b. important

c. overcome

d. in turn