
ボキャブラリー レッスン132


1. crowd noun [kroud]

a large group of people gathered closely together

◼ Example: The stadium was filled with a lively crowd cheering for their favorite team.

2. include verb [in-klood]

to contain or have as part of a whole

◼ Example: The package includes a variety of different snacks.

3. wood noun [wood]

the hard, fibrous substance that forms the trunk and branches of trees

◼ Example: He's skilled at carving intricate designs into wood.

4. guess what! phrase [ges hwuht]

an expression used to create suspense or excitement before revealing something

◼ Example: Guess what! I won first place in the singing competition!

5. complain about verb [kuhm-pleyn uh-bout]

to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something

◼ Example: She always complains about the cold weather.

6. laptop noun [lap-top]

a portable computer that can be used on one's lap

◼ Example: I brought my laptop to the coffee shop to work on my project.

7. be unable to do phrase [bi uhn-ey-buhl too doo]

to not have the ability or skill to do something

◼ Example: I was unable to solve the difficult math problem.

8. damage noun [dam-ij]

harm or injury caused to something, often resulting in a loss of value or functionality

◼ Example: The storm caused extensive damage to the buildings in the area.

9. flat adjective [flat]

having a level surface, without curves or bumps

◼ Example: The road is smooth and flat, making it easy to ride a bike.

10. outside adverb [awt-sahyd]

the external or outer part or surface of something; not inside or indoors

◼ Example: Let's have a picnic outside and enjoy the sunny weather.


◼ crowd

◼ include

◼ wood

◼ guess what!

◼ complain about

◼ laptop

◼ be unable to do

◼ damage

◼ flat

◼ outside

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a large group of people gathered closely together

____________________2. to contain or have as part of a whole

____________________3. the hard, fibrous substance that forms the trunk and branches of trees

____________________4. an expression used to create suspense or excitement before revealing something

____________________5. to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something

____________________6. a portable computer that can be used on one's lap

____________________7. to not have the ability or skill to do something

____________________8. harm or injury caused to something, often resulting in a loss of value or functionality

____________________9. having a level surface, without curves or bumps

____________________10. the external or outer part or surface of something; not inside or indoors


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) He always carries his ________________ when traveling for work.

a. crowd

b. include

c. wood

d. laptop

2) Unfortunately, the storm caused severe ________________ to the house.

a. flat

b. guess what!

c. damage

d. outside

3) The ________________ at the concert was ecstatic.

a. guess what!

b. crowd

c. complain about

d. wood

4) The picnic will ________________ sandwiches, fruits, and drinks.

a. include

b. be unable to do

c. damage

d. outside

5) The road is completely ____________. There are no bumps or curves.

a. wood

b. outside

c. flat

d. complain about