
ボキャブラリー レッスン131


1. bottle noun [bot-l]

a container with a narrow neck, typically used to hold liquids

◼ Example: She filled her water bottle before going for a run.

2. reality noun [ree-al-i-tee]

the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an imagined or idealized version

◼ Example: It's important to face the reality of the situation and make necessary changes.

3. track noun [trak]

a path or course laid out for a specific purpose, often used for running, racing, or transportation

◼ Example: The athletes competed on the running track to determine the fastest runner.

4. rest noun [rest]

a period of relaxation, sleep, or inactivity to regain energy or recover

◼ Example: After a long day of work, he decided to take a rest and relax on the couch.

5. fresh adjective [fresh]

newly made, recently harvested, or in a good condition; not stale or spoiled

◼ Example: The bakery sells fresh bread every morning.

6. fix verb [fiks]

to repair or mend something that is broken, damaged, or not functioning properly

◼ Example: I need to fix my bicycle's flat tire before I can ride it.

7. I'll go get phrase [ahyl goh get]

expressing the intention to leave and retrieve something

◼ Example: I'll go get my jacket from the car before we go out.

8. in time (for) phrase [in tahym (fawr)]

sufficiently early or with enough remaining time to meet a deadline or be punctual for an event

◼ Example: If we leave now, we'll arrive in time for the movie.

9. translate A into B phrase [trans-leyt A in-too B]

to convert or express something from one language (A) to another language (B)

◼ Example: She can translate the document from English into French.

10. penalty noun [pen-l-tee]

a punishment or consequence imposed for breaking a rule or law

◼ Example: The referee awarded a penalty to the opposing team for the foul.


◼ bottle

◼ reality

◼ track

◼ rest

◼ fresh

◼ fix

◼ I'll go get

◼ in time (for)

◼ translate A into B

◼ penalty

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a period of relaxation, sleep, or inactivity to regain energy or recover

____________________2. the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an imagined or idealized version

____________________3. expressing the intention to leave and retrieve something

____________________4. a container with a narrow neck, typically used to hold liquids

____________________5. to convert or express something from one language (A) to another language (B)

____________________6. to repair or mend something that is broken, damaged, or not functioning properly

____________________7. a punishment or consequence imposed for breaking a rule or law

____________________8. sufficiently early or with enough remaining time to meet a deadline or be punctual for an event

____________________9. newly made, recently harvested, or in a good condition; not stale or spoiled

____________________10. a path or course laid out for a specific purpose, often used for running, racing, or transportation


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The referee gave a ________________ for the foul committed.

a. bottle

b. penalty

c. rest

d. track

2) Sometimes, we need to face the harsh ________________ of life.

a. reality

b. fresh

c. fix

d. in time

3) He managed to ________________ the broken chair in the living room.

a. fresh

b. bottle

c. reality

d. fix

4) ________________ some groceries from the store.

a. In time

b. I'll go get

c. Translate

d. Rest

5) They arrived at the airport just ________________ for their flight.

a. bottle

b. track

c. rest

d. in time