
ボキャブラリー レッスン123


1. rock noun [rok]

a solid mineral substance that forms the Earth's crust; also used to describe a genre of music

◼ Example: The hiker sat on a large rock to rest and enjoy the view.

2. invention noun [in-ven-shuhn]

the creation or development of something new or innovative

◼ Example: The telephone was a groundbreaking invention by Alexander Graham Bell.

3. whole adjective [hohl]

entire, complete, not divided or fragmented

◼ Example: She ate the whole pizza by herself.

4. title noun [tahyt-l]

the name given to a piece of writing, a book, a movie, or a position of authority

◼ Example: The title of the novel caught my attention and made me curious.

5. space noun [speys]

an area or expanse that is free, unoccupied, or available

◼ Example: Please make sure to leave enough space for others to walk on the sidewalk.

6. schedule noun [shej-ool; verb shej-ool, skej-ool]

a plan or timetable of activities or events

◼ Example: I have a busy schedule today with back-to-back meetings.

7. quiet adjective [kwahy-it; noun kwahy-it]

free from noise or disturbance; calm or tranquil

◼ Example: She enjoyed reading in the quiet corner of the library.

8. separate A from B phrase [sep-uh-reyt A from B]

to divide or keep apart A and B; to create a distinction or divide between two things

◼ Example: The teacher asked the students to separate the different types of recyclable materials from non-recyclables.

9. had better to do phrase [had bet-er too doo]

used to give advice or express a strong recommendation

◼ Example: You had better to study hard if you want to pass the exam.

10. ill adjective [il]

sick or unwell, suffering from a physical or mental ailment

◼ Example: She stayed home from work because she felt ill.


◼ rock

◼ invention

◼ whole

◼ title

◼ space

◼ schedule

◼ quiet

◼ separate A from B

◼ had better to do

◼ ill

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. the creation or development of something new or innovative

____________________2. sick or unwell, suffering from a physical or mental ailment

____________________3. the name given to a piece of writing, a book, a movie, or a position of authority

____________________4. to divide or keep apart A and B; to create a distinction or divide between two things

____________________5. an area or expanse that is free, unoccupied, or available

____________________6. a plan or timetable of activities or events

____________________7. entire, complete, not divided or fragmented

____________________8. used to give advice or express a strong recommendation

____________________9. free from noise or disturbance; calm or tranquil

____________________10. a solid mineral substance that forms the Earth's crust; also used to describe a genre of music


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) It was so ________________ in the library that you could hear a pin drop.

a. rock

b. invention

c. quiet

d. ill

2) She meticulously planned her ________________ for the week ahead.

a. seperate A from B

b. schedule

c. space

d. whole

3) The astronaut floated in the vastness of ________________ .

a. title

b. quiet

c. space

d. invention

4) The ________________ family gathered for the reunion.

a. seperate A from B

b. schedule

c. space

d. whole

5) The ________________ of the internet revolutionized communication.

a. rock

b. invention

c. quiet

d. ill