
ボキャブラリー レッスン121


1. origin noun [awr-i-jin]

the point or place where something begins or is created; the source

◼ Example: The origin of pizza can be traced back to Italy.

2. roll verb [rohl]

to move or cause to move in a particular direction by turning over and over

◼ Example: She learned how to roll sushi during her trip to Japan.

3. Christian noun [kris-chuhn]

a person who follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

◼ Example: The family celebrates Christmas as they are Christians.

4. on (the) one hand phrase [on wuhn hand]

used to introduce one of two contrasting points or ideas

◼ Example: On one hand, I want to go to the party, but on the other hand, I have a lot of work to do

5. opportunity noun [op-er-too-ni-tee]

a favorable or suitable occasion or time for doing something

◼ Example: Studying abroad provides an opportunity to experience different cultures.

6. generally (speaking) adverb [jen-er-uh-lee]

usually; typically; in most cases

◼ Example: Generally speaking, it's better to get enough sleep for better health.

7. apart adverb [uh-pahrt]

separate or away from each other in position or direction

◼ Example: The two friends lived far apart from each other after moving to different cities.

8. far adverb [fahr]

at or to a great distance; a long way

◼ Example: They traveled far to visit their relatives in another country.

9. goods noun [goodz]

merchandise or possessions; things that can be bought or sold

◼ Example: The store sells various goods, including clothing and electronics.

10. full-time adjective [fool-tahym]

involving or requiring a person's full attention or working hours

◼ Example: He decided to take on a full-time job after finishing college.


◼ origin

◼ roll

◼ Christian

◼ on (the) one hand

◼ opportunity

◼ generally

◼ apart

◼ far

◼ goods

◼ full-time

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a person who follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

____________________2. to move or cause to move in a particular direction by turning over and over

____________________3. the point or place where something begins or is created; the source

____________________4. merchandise or possessions; things that can be bought or sold

____________________5. at or to a great distance; a long way

____________________6. separate or away from each other in position or direction

____________________7. usually; typically; in most cases

____________________8. involving or requiring a person's full attention or working hours

____________________9. a favorable or suitable occasion or time for doing something

____________________10. used to introduce one of two contrasting points or ideas


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) She follows the ________________ faith and attends church every Sunday.

a. origin

b. roll

c. Christian

d. generally

2) ________________ , he wanted to travel; on the other hand, he had work responsibilities.

a. On one hand

b. Generally

c. Apart

d. Origin

3) This job ________________ could change the course of my career.

a. full-time

b. generally

c. apart

d. opportunity

4) The vase fell and broke ________________ into many pieces.

a. far

b. goods

c. apart

d. generally

5) The nearest gas station is ________________ from here.

a. full-time

b. far

c. apart

d. opportunity