
ボキャブラリー レッスン116


1. partner noun [pahrt-ner]

a person who takes part in an activity or shares in something with another

◼ Example: She found a dance partner for the competition.

2. energy noun [en-er-jee]

the action of teaching or learning a particular skill or type of behavior

◼ Example: He underwent intense training to become a professional athlete.

3. drop verb [drop]

to let fall or allow to fall, to decrease or decline

◼ Example: The temperature dropped significantly overnight.

4. energy noun [en-er-jee]

the capacity or power to do work, the strength or vitality

◼ Example: She had so much energy after a good night's sleep.

5. It is necessary for (A) to do phrase [it iz nes-uh-ser-ee for A too doo]

expressing the requirement or importance for someone (A) to do something

◼ Example: It is necessary for students to study regularly to achieve good grades.

6. push verb [push]

to exert force in order to move or cause movement, to make an effort to achieve something

◼ Example: He had to push the heavy door to open it.

7. ground noun [ground]

the solid surface of the earth, a particular area or territory

◼ Example: The children played on the soft ground in the park.

8. hopefully adverb [hohp-ful-ee]

in a hopeful manner, with hope or optimism

◼ Example: Hopefully, the weather will be sunny for our picnic.

9. in the long run phrase [in thuh lawng ruhn]

over a long period of time, considering the ultimate outcome or result

◼ Example: Regular exercise is beneficial for health in the long run.

10. I have no idea phrase [eye hav noh ahy-dee-uh]

expressing a lack of knowledge or understanding about something

◼ Example: Sorry, I have no idea where she went.


◼ partner

◼ training

◼ drop

◼ energy

◼ It is necessary for (A) to do

◼ push

◼ ground

◼ hopefully

◼ in the long run

◼ I have no idea

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. the capacity or power to do work, the strength or vitality

____________________2. a person who takes part in an activity or shares in something with another

____________________3. to exert force in order to move or cause movement, to make an effort to achieve something

____________________4. a particular area or territory

____________________5. expressing the requirement or importance for someone (A) to do something

____________________6. to let fall or allow to fall, to decrease or decline

____________________7. over a long period of time, considering the ultimate outcome or result

____________________8. expressing a lack of knowledge or understanding about something

____________________9. the action of teaching or learning a particular skill or type of behavior

____________________10. in a hopeful manner, with hope or optimism


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) ________________ , investing in education pays off with better opportunities.

a. It is necessary for me to do

b. In the long run

c. I have no idea

d. Hopefully

2) Regular ________________ is essential to improve your skills.

a. partner

b. energy

c. training

d. push

3) I need to have enough ____________ to complete this project on time.

a. in the long run

b. ground

c. push

d. drop

4) Be careful not to ____________ that fragile vase; it's valuable.

a. training

b. push

c. energy

d. hopefully

5) He had to ____________ the car to get it out of the snow.

a. drop

b. energy

c. ground

d. push