
ボキャブラリー レッスン113


1. mystery noun [mis-tuh-ree]

something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

◼ Example: The disappearance of the famous painting remains a mystery to this day.

2. all (the) year round (around) phrase [awl (thuh) yeer round]

continuously or throughout the entire year, without interruption

◼ Example: The amusement park is open all year round, even during the winter season.

3. What a shame (pity)! phrase [hwuht uh sheym (pit-ee)]

an expression used to express disappointment or regret about a situation

◼ Example: We had to cancel the picnic because of the rain. What a shame!

4. nowadays adverb [nou-uh-deyz]

at the present time, in the current era

◼ Example: Nowadays, many people rely on smartphones for communication and information.

5. because of phrase [bih-kawz uhv]

due to or as a result of something, for the reason of

◼ Example: The soccer match was canceled because of the heavy rain.

6. let down phrasal verb [let doun]

to disappoint or fail to meet someone's expectations

◼ Example: I was really let down when my favorite band canceled their concert.

7. check out phrasal verb [chek out]

to examine or investigate something, to look at or visit

◼ Example: If you visit New York City, you should check out the famous landmarks like Times Square and the Statue of Liberty.

8. make an effort phrase [meyk uhn ef-ert]

to try or exert oneself, to put in work or energy

◼ Example: If you want to improve your skills, you need to make an effort and practice regularly.

9. through preposition [throo]

in one side and out the other side, from beginning to end

◼ Example: We walked through the forest and reached a beautiful waterfall.

10. delicious adjective [dih-lish-uhs]

having a pleasant taste or flavor, enjoyable to eat or drink

◼ Example: The cake she baked was absolutely delicious.


◼ mystery

◼ all (the) year round (around)

◼ What a shame (pity)!

◼ nowadays

◼ because of

◼ let down

◼ check out

◼ make an effort

◼ through

◼ delicious

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to disappoint or fail to meet someone's expectations

____________________2. due to or as a result of something, for the reason of

____________________3. having a pleasant taste or flavor, enjoyable to eat or drink

____________________4. to try or exert oneself, to put in work or energy

____________________5. continuously or throughout the entire year, without interruption

____________________6. something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

____________________7. to examine or investigate something, to look at or visit

____________________8. at the present time, in the current era

____________________9. in one side and out the other side, from beginning to end

____________________10. an expression used to express disappointment or regret about a situation


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) _____________ a shame we missed the last train. Now we have to take a taxi home.

a. Mystery

b. What

c. Through

d. Delicious

2) The museum is open _______________, so you can visit anytime.

a. all year round

b. nowadays

c. let down

d. check out

3) She was unable to attend the party ________________ her busy schedule.

a. make an effort

b. because of

c. what a shame

d. let down

4) I felt ________________ when my friend didn't show up for our plans.

a. mystery

b. delicious

c. let down

d. what a pity

5) The restaurant is famous for its _____________ cuisine.

a. through

b. nowadays

c. mystery

d. delicious