
ボキャブラリー レッスン110


1. afraid adjective [uh-freyd]

feeling fear or apprehension, feeling worried or scared

◼ Example: She is afraid of spiders and always screams when she sees one.

2. careless adjective [kair-lis]

not taking enough care, not cautious or attentive

◼ Example: Be careful with that delicate vase. Don't be careless and break it.

3. greet verb [greet]

to say hello or welcome someone, to meet or acknowledge someone with words or gestures

◼ Example: The host greeted the guests at the entrance of the party.

4. race noun [reys]

a competition of speed, a contest to see who can finish first

◼ Example: The participants lined up at the starting point, ready for the race.

5. be in danger phrase [bee in deyn-jer]

to be at risk or in a potentially harmful or threatening situation

◼ Example: The hiker was lost in the mountains and realized he was in danger.

6. thank A for B phrase [thangk A for B]

to express gratitude to someone for something they have done or provided

◼ Example: I want to thank you for your help with the project. Your support was invaluable.

7. get over phrasal verb [get oh-ver]

to recover from a difficult or upsetting situation, to move past or overcome something

◼ Example: It took her some time to get over the loss of her beloved pet.

8. gate noun [geyt]

an entrance or exit, a barrier or door to pass through

◼ Example: We entered the park through the main gate.

9. harmony noun [hahr-muh-nee]

a state of agreement or cooperation, a pleasing combination or balance

◼ Example: The singers' voices blended together in perfect harmony.

10. fall down phrasal verb [fawl doun]

to lose balance or collapse, to drop or descend to a lower position

◼ Example: Be careful on the slippery stairs. You might slip and fall down.


◼ afraid

◼ careless

◼ greet

◼ race

◼ be in danger

◼ thank A for B

◼ get over

◼ gate

◼ harmony

◼ fall down

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to be at risk or in a potentially harmful or threatening situation

____________________2. to recover from a difficult or upsetting situation, to move past or overcome something

____________________3. to say hello or welcome someone, to meet or acknowledge someone with words or gestures

____________________4. a competition of speed, a contest to see who can finish first

____________________5. feeling fear or apprehension, feeling worried or scared

____________________6. to lose balance or collapse, to drop or descend to a lower position

____________________7. not taking enough care, not cautious or attentive

____________________8. an entrance or exit, a barrier or door to pass through

____________________9. a state of agreement or cooperation, a pleasing combination or balance

____________________10. to express gratitude to someone for something they have done or provided


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The musical performance was a beautiful display of ______________ among the musicians.

a. careless

b. fall down

c. harmony

d. greet

2) The child was running so fast in the ______________ but suddenly fell down.

a. be in danger

b. get over

c. afraid

d. race

3) It's customary to ______________ your neighbors with a friendly smile.

a. greet

b. fall down

c. afraid

d. careless

4) I want to ________________ you for your help during my difficult times.

a. greet

b. get over

c. thank

d. gate

5) Being ________________ with your belongings can lead to unnecessary accidents.

a. be in danger

b. careless

c. afraid

d. fall down