
ボキャブラリー レッスン11


1. cause noun [kawz]

something or someone that is responsible for an action or result

◼ Example: Smoking is one of the most common causes of death and disease.

2. continue verb [kuhn-tin-yoo]

to last or keep on, to keep doing over a period of time

◼ Example: Please continue reading until page 2.

3. dress verb [dres]

to put clothes on

◼ Example: The mother dresses the baby.

4. follow verb [fol-oh]

to come or go after; to accept an order or a command

◼ Example: Please follow the instructions when answering the questions.

5. graduate verb [graj-oo-eyt]

to be given an academic degree or diploma from a school or a university

◼ Example: She graduated from the University of California.

6. guess verb [ges]

to predict a result without enough information

◼ Example: Because of your voice, I would guess you are 50 years old.

7. marry verb [mar-ee]

to join in marriage, to become husband or wife

◼ Example: She will marry her longtime boyfriend next week.

8. protect verb [pruh-tekt]

to keep from being damaged or to keep safe

◼ Example: The parents protect their children from any harm.

9. search verb [surch]

to do a careful examination to find or discover something

◼ Example: I am searching for the title of the book on the internet.

10. set verb [set]

to put in a specific position or state; to place

◼ Example: She sets the book on the table.


◼ search

◼ set

◼ cause

◼ continue

◼ dress

◼ follow

◼ graduate

◼ guess

◼ protect

◼ marry

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. to predict a result without enough information

____________________2. to put in a specified position or state; to place

____________________3. to join in marriage, to become husband or wife

____________________4. to be given an academic degree or diploma from a school or university

____________________5. to last or keep on, to keep doing over a period of time

____________________6. to do a careful examination to find or discover something

____________________7. to keep from being damaged or to keep safe

____________________8. one that is responsible for an action or result

____________________9. to come or go after; to accept an order or command

____________________10. to put clothes on


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) She ___________ from the University of Tokyo. She is working now as a professor at Osaka University.

a. lived

b. graduated

c. searched

d. studying

2) The mother ______________ everywhere for her missing child.

a. studied

b. searched

c. hid

d. rested

3) The students should ______________ the rules of the school. If they do not, they will be suspended.

a. search

b. graduate

c. follow

d. disobey

4) Please do not ____________ telling that horror story. I am very scared now.

a. follow

b. stop

c. start

d. continue

5) After years of studying and hard work, she finally made up her mind and decided to ___________ her childhood boyfriend who is patiently waiting for her to settle down.

a. continue

b. fight

c. divorce

d. marry