
ボキャブラリー レッスン109


1. principal noun [prin-suh-puhl]

the head or leader of a school or organization

◼ Example: The principal of the school announced the upcoming field trip.

2. invitation noun [in-vi-tey-shuhn]

a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or attend an event

◼ Example: I received an invitation to my friend's wedding ceremony.

3. citizen noun [sit-uh-zuhn]

a legally recognized member of a country, entitled to its rights and privileges

◼ Example: She became a naturalized citizen after living in the country for several years.

4. up to phrase [uhp too]

depending on someone's decision or choice, the responsibility or decision of someone

◼ Example: It's up to you to decide which movie we should watch tonight.

5. bring back phrasal verb [bring bak]

to return something to its original place or state, to reintroduce or recall something

◼ Example: I brought back some souvenirs from my trip to France.

6. play an important role in phrase [pley uh-n im-pawr-tnt rohl in]

to have a significant influence or function in a particular situation or activity

◼ Example: Education plays an important role in shaping a person's future.

7. location noun [loh-key-shuhn]

a particular place or position, the site or position where something is situated

◼ Example: The new restaurant is in a prime location downtown.

8. be tired of phrase [bee tahy-erd uhv]

to feel weary or fed up with something, to have had enough of something

◼ Example: I'm tired of eating the same meal every day. I need some variety.

9. throw away phrasal verb [throh uh-wey]

to discard or dispose of something, to get rid of something

◼ Example: Don't throw away that old magazine. I can recycle it.

10. put off phrasal verb [poot awf]

to postpone or delay something, to reschedule to a later time or date

◼ Example: They decided to put off the meeting until next week.


◼ principal

◼ invitation

◼ citizen

◼ up to

◼ bring back

◼ play an important role in

◼ location

◼ be tired of

◼ throw away

◼ put off

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a legally recognized member of a country, entitled to its rights and privileges

____________________2. to return something to its original place or state, to reintroduce or recall something

____________________3. the head or leader of a school or organization

____________________4. to feel weary or fed up with something, to have had enough of something

____________________5. a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or attend an event

____________________6. to discard or dispose of something, to get rid of something

____________________7. to postpone or delay something, to reschedule to a later time or date

____________________8. depending on someone's decision or choice, the responsibility or decision of someone

____________________9. to discard or dispose of something, to get rid of something

____________________10. a particular place or position, the site or position where something is situated


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Only _____________ are eligible to vote in this election.

a. bring back

b. citizens

c. location

d. principal

2) I received an ______________ to my friend's birthday party.

a. invitation

b. play an important role

c. throw away

d. put off

3) The _____________ of the school announced the upcoming event.

a. invitation

b. location

c. principal

d. citizen

4) I'm ______________ eating the same food every day. I need some variety.

a. throw away

b. up to

c. tired of

d. bring back

5) Don't _____________ that old book. You can donate it to the library.

a. put off

b. throw away

c. be tired of

d. bring back