
ボキャブラリー レッスン106


1. review verb [ri-vyoo]

to go over or study something again, to examine or assess

◼ Example: Before the exam, I will review my notes to refresh my memory.

2. probably adverb [prob-uh-blee]

likely to happen or be true, in all likelihood

◼ Example: It will probably rain later, so you should bring an umbrella.

3. enough to do phrase [ih-nuhf too doo]

sufficient or adequate amount to accomplish a task or fulfill a purpose

◼ Example: I have enough money to buy the book I've been wanting.

4. in spite of phrase [in spahyt uhv]

despite, regardless of, without being affected or influenced by something

◼ Example: In spite of the rain, they continued with their outdoor picnic.

5. wild adjective [wahyld]

living or growing in a natural state, not domesticated or controlled

◼ Example: We spotted a wild deer while hiking in the forest.

6. mall noun [mawl]

a large enclosed shopping center with various stores and shops

◼ Example: Let's go to the mall this weekend and do some shopping.

7. retire verb [ri-tahyuh r]

to withdraw from one's occupation or job, to stop working, usually at an older age

◼ Example: My grandparents plan to retire and travel the world.

8. tourist noun [too r-ist, tuh-]

a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure or sightseeing

◼ Example: The city attracts many tourists with its famous landmarks.

9. so that A can (will) do phrase [soh th at A kan (wil) doo]

used to express purpose or intention, indicating the reason for an action

◼ Example: She studies hard so that she can get into a prestigious university.

10. cute adjective [kyoot]

attractive or endearing in a charming or delightful way

◼ Example: Look at that puppy! It's so cute!


◼ review

◼ probably

◼ enough to do

◼ in spite of

◼ wild

◼ mall

◼ retire

◼ tourist

◼ so that A can (will) do

◼ cute

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. likely to happen or be true

____________________2. a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure or sightseeing

____________________3. sufficient or adequate amount to accomplish a task or fulfill a purpose

____________________4. to withdraw from one's occupation or job, to stop working

____________________5. used to express purpose or intention

____________________6. despite, regardless of, without being affected or influenced by something

____________________7. attractive or endearing in a charming or delightful way

____________________8. a large enclosed shopping center with various stores and shops

____________________9. to go over or study something again, to examine or assess

____________________10. living or growing in a natural state, not domesticated or controlled


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I will write a _____________ of the movie I watched last night.

a. review

b. retire

c. tourist

d. wild

2) It's raining outside, but ______________ I will still go for a walk.

a. probably

b. enough to do

c. in spite of

d. cute

3) My parents are planning to _______________ next year and travel around the world.

a. mall

b. retire

c. cute

d. in spite of

4) We visited many famous landmarks as _____________ in this city.

a. wild

b. retire

c. tourists

d. review

5) She practices playing the piano every day ____________ become a professional pianist.

a. in spite of

b. wild

c. so that she can

d. enough to do