
ボキャブラリー レッスン105


1. bite verb [bahyt]

to use the teeth to cut or grip with force

◼ Example: The mosquito bit me on my arm, and it left an itchy bump.

2. kill verb [kil]

to cause the death of a person, animal, or plant

◼ Example: The hunter killed a deer during the hunting season.

3. enemy noun [en-uh-mee]

a person or group that is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something

◼ Example: The superhero fought against his arch-enemy to protect the city.

4. anything (either) will do phrase [en-ee-thing wil doo]

used to indicate that any choice or option is acceptable or suitable

◼ Example: I'm not picky about the restaurant. Anything will do for dinner.

5. technique noun [tek-neek]

a method or skill used in accomplishing a task or achieving a goal

◼ Example: The chef demonstrated his cooking techniques during the cooking show.

6. climate noun [klahy-mit]

the average weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period

◼ Example: The tropical climate of the region is characterized by high temperatures and heavy rainfall.

7. some other time phrase [suhm uhdh-er tahym]

at a different or future time

◼ Example: I can't meet for lunch today, but let's do it some other time.

8. lower verb [loh-er]

to make or become less in amount, intensity, or degree

◼ Example: The company decided to lower the prices of their products to attract more customers.

9. harvest verb [hahr-vist; noun hahr-vist]

to gather or collect a crop, typically for food; the process or period of gathering crops

◼ Example: The farmers harvested the ripe corn from the fields.

10. It would be better for you to do phrase [it wood bee bet-er for yoo too doo]

used to suggest or advise that doing a certain action would be advantageous or preferable

◼ Example: It would be better for you to study for the exam instead of watching TV.


◼ bite

◼ kill

◼ enemy

◼ anything (either) will do

◼ technique

◼ climate

◼ some other time

◼ lower

◼ harvest

◼ It would be better for you to do

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a person or group that is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something

____________________2. the average weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period

____________________3. to use the teeth to cut or grip with force

____________________4. to make or become less in amount, intensity, or degree

____________________5. used to suggest or advise that doing a certain action would be advantageous or preferable

____________________6. to cause the death of a person, animal, or plant

____________________7. at a different or future time

____________________8. used to indicate that any choice or option is acceptable or suitable

____________________9. to gather or collect a crop, typically for food; the process or period of gathering crops

____________________10. a method or skill used in accomplishing a task or achieving a goal


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The dog _____________ me when I accidentally stepped on its tail.

a. bit

b. lower

c. technique

d. some other time

2) The tropical _____________ makes this island a popular tourist destination.

a. anything will do

b. climate

c. lower

d. harvest

3) The farmers worked hard to _____________ the ripe crops.

a. harvest

b. it would be better for you to do

c. lower

d. bite

4) The teacher advised the students to _______________ their voices during the presentation.

a. enemy

b. climate

c. lower

d. anything will do

5) Learning the proper painting _______________ requires patience and practice.

a. anything will do

b. technique

c. lower

d. some other time