
ボキャブラリー レッスン102


1. flag noun [flag]

a piece of cloth with distinctive colors and patterns used as a symbol or to represent a country or organization

◼ Example: The national flag of Japan is white with a red circle in the center.

2. online adjective/adverb [on-lahyn]

connected to or available through the internet

◼ Example: She prefers shopping online because it is convenient.

3. in the end phrase [in th uh end]

finally, ultimately, eventually

◼ Example: After a long journey, they reached their destination in the end.

4. A as well as B phrase [A uhz wel az B]

both A and B, in addition to B, not only B but also A

◼ Example: She is talented in singing as well as dancing.

5. hold on phrasal verb [hohld on]

to wait, to pause, to keep something in one's hand or grip

◼ Example: Please hold on for a moment while I transfer your call.

6. puppy noun [puhp-ee]

a young dog, especially one that is not yet fully grown

◼ Example: They adopted a cute little puppy from the animal shelter.

7. make an appointment with A phrase [meyk uh-n uh-point-muhnt with A]

to arrange a specific time to meet or see someone

◼ Example: I need to make an appointment with the dentist for my regular check-up.

8. bake verb [beyk]

to cook food in an oven using dry heat

◼ Example: She loves to bake cookies for her friends.

9. in conclusion phrase [in kuhn-kloo-zhuhn]

as a final point or opinion, to summarize or bring something to an end

◼ Example: In conclusion, I believe that education plays a crucial role in shaping a better future.

10. give up phrasal verb [giv uhp]

to stop trying or doing something, to surrender or quit

◼ Example: Don't give up on your dreams, keep working towards them.


◼ flag

◼ online

◼ in the end

◼ A as well as B

◼ hold on

◼ puppy

◼ make an appointment with A

◼ bake

◼ in conclusion

◼ give up

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. finally, ultimately, eventually

____________________2. as a final point or opinion, to summarize or bring something to an end

____________________3. a piece of cloth with distinctive colors and patterns used as a symbol or to represent a country or organization

____________________4. a young dog, especially one that is not yet fully grown

____________________5. to stop trying or doing something, to surrender or quit

____________________6. both A and B, in addition to B, not only B but also A

____________________7. to arrange a specific time to meet or see someone

____________________8. to cook food in an oven using dry heat

____________________9. connected to or available through the internet

____________________10. to wait, to pause, to keep something in one's hand or grip


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The adorable ____________ wagged its tail excitedly.

a. online

b. A as well as B

c. hold on

d. puppy

2) After all the hard work, they succeeded ________________ .

a. online

b. in the end

c. hold on

d. bake

3) John, ________________ Sarah, will be attending the event.

a. as well as

b. in conclusion

c. in the end

d. make an appointment with

4) She loves to ________________ cookies and share them with friends.

a. online

b. hold on

c. bake

d. give up

5) ________________ , the research showed promising results.

a. as well as

b. in conclusion

c. hold on

d. make an appointment with