
ボキャブラリー レッスン101


1. astronaut noun [as-truh-nawt]

a person trained to travel and work in outer space

◼ Example: The astronaut floated weightlessly in the spacecraft.

2. so that conjunction [soh th at]

in order to, with the purpose or intention of achieving a certain result

◼ Example: I studied hard so that I could pass the exam.

3. objection noun [uhb-jek-shuhn]

a disagreement or disapproval of something, a reason for opposing or disagreeing

◼ Example: He raised an objection to the proposed changes in the project.

4. get along with phrasal verb [get uh-lawng with]

to have a friendly or harmonious relationship with someone

◼ Example: Sarah gets along well with her colleagues at work.

5. application noun [ap-li-key-shuhn]

a formal request or proposal for something, such as a job or admission to a school

◼ Example: She submitted her application for the scholarship program.

6. traditional adjective [truh-dish-uh-nl]

related to customs, beliefs, or practices passed down through generations

◼ Example: The wedding ceremony included traditional rituals and customs.

7. tool noun [tool]

an instrument or device used to perform a specific task or achieve a particular purpose

◼ Example: The carpenter used various tools to build the wooden furniture.

8. clear adjective [kleer]

easily understood, not ambiguous or confusing

◼ Example: The instructions were clear and easy to follow.

9. frame noun [freyhm]

a structure or support that provides shape or form to something

◼ Example: The picture looked beautiful in its golden frame.

10. lime noun [lahym]

a citrus fruit with green flesh and a sour taste, often used for its juice or as a flavoring

◼ Example: She added a squeeze of lime to her refreshing summer drink.


◼ astronaut

◼ so that

◼ objection

◼ get along with

◼ application

◼ a traditional

◼ tool

◼ clear

◼ frame

◼ lime

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a disagreement or disapproval of something

____________________2. related to customs, beliefs, or practices passed down through generations

____________________3. a person trained to travel and work in outer space

____________________4. to have a friendly or harmonious relationship with someone

____________________5. easily understood, not ambiguous or confusing

____________________6. in order to, with the purpose or intention of achieving a certain result

____________________7. a citrus fruit with green flesh and a sour taste, often used for its juice or as a flavoring

____________________8. a formal request or proposal for something, such as a job or admission to a school

____________________9. a structure or support that provides shape or form to something

____________________10. an instrument or device used to perform a specific task or achieve a particular purpose


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The cultural festival featured ______________ music and dance performances.

a. objection

b. get along with

c. traditonal

d. tool

2) The manager had no ______________ to the proposed changes in the project.

a. astronaut

b. objection

c. tool

d. clear

3) Becoming an ________________ has been his dream since he was a child.

a. tool

b. get along with

c. traditonal

d. astronaut

4) She works hard ________________ she can provide a better future for her family.

a. frame

b. application

c. so that

d. lime

5) The artist chose an ornate frame to display her masterpiece.

a. lime

b. frame

c. get along with

d. objection