
ボキャブラリー レッスン100


1. confident adjective [kon-fi-duhnt]

having faith in oneself, self-assured, sure of one's abilities

◼ Example: She felt confident about her presentation after thorough preparation.

2. I'm home phrase [ahym hohm]

a greeting or announcement made upon arriving at one's home

◼ Example: I opened the door and called out, "I'm home!" to let my family know I had returned.

3. be expected to do phrase [bee ik-spek-tid too doo]

to be anticipated or required to perform a certain action

◼ Example: As a responsible student, I am expected to complete my assignments on time.

4. downtown adverb [doun-toun]

the central or main business district of a city, typically characterized by commercial and cultural activities

◼ Example: We decided to explore downtown to visit the shops and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.

5. site noun [sahyt]

a specific location or place

◼ Example: The construction workers gathered at the site to discuss the plans for the new building.

6. "This is A" speaking phrase [this iz A spee-king]

a phrase used to introduce oneself during a phone call or public announcement, where A represents the speaker's name

◼ Example: When answering the phone, I usually say, "Hello, this is Sarah speaking."

7. name A after B phrase [neym A af-ter B]

to give someone the same name as another person or thing, typically as a tribute or in honor of them

◼ Example: They named their daughter Lily after her grandmother, who loved flowers.

8. elevator noun [el-uh-vey-ter]

a device or mechanism used for vertical transportation between different floors or levels in a building

◼ Example: We took the elevator to the 12th floor instead of using the stairs.

9. forecast noun [fawr-kast]

a prediction or estimate of future events or conditions, typically related to weather

◼ Example: The weather forecast suggests that it will rain tomorrow, so don't forget to bring an umbrella.

10. go ahead phrase [goh uh-hed]

to proceed or continue with an action, to give permission or approval to do something

◼ Example: After receiving the green light from the teacher, the students were told, "You can go ahead and start your project."


◼ confident

◼ I'm home

◼ be expected to do

◼ downtown

◼ site

◼ "This is A" speaking

◼ name A after B

◼ elevator

◼ forecast

◼ go ahead

Give the word being asked for each number.


____________________1. a specific location or place

____________________2. a greeting or announcement made upon arriving at one's home

____________________3. a device or mechanism used for vertical transportation between different floors or levels in a building

____________________4. the central or main business district of a city, typically characterized by commercial and cultural activities

____________________5. having faith in oneself, self-assured, sure of one's abilities

____________________6. to be anticipated or required to perform a certain action

____________________7. to proceed or continue with an action, to give permission or approval to do something

____________________8. a phrase used to introduce oneself during a phone call or public announcement, where A represents the speaker's name .

____________________9. a prediction or estimate of future events or conditions, typically related to weather

____________________10. to give someone the same name as another person or thing, typically as a tribute or in honor of them


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) If you're ready to proceed, _____________ and click the "Submit" button.

a. confident

b. I'm home

c. go ahead

d. downtown

2) She felt _____________ about her ability to ace the exam.

a. elevator

b. confident

c. be expected to do

d. forecast

3) The hotel is located ______________, close to all the major attractions and shopping centers.

a. site

b. "This is A" speaking

c. downtown

d. name A after B

4) When you enter the building, take the ______________ to the third floor.

a. elevator

b. downtown

c. site

d. forecast

5) The weather ______________ indicates sunny skies for tomorrow's picnic.

a. site

b. I'm home

c. forecast

d. go ahead